if you are self-employed, why still need to hire someone.
Since you are self-employed, you are using your profession and your own effort to service customer and make reconition. Since our companies has so many service, investment, insurance, and debt managment. Some of the service require supervision, that provinical regulation. So, you must find a company that supervisor your work. Like investments, you need to register your license to a bank in order to sell things, so thats why you join our company and we provide you the workplace. You are self-employed because if you dont work, you will get nothing. The more time and effort on your business, you will get more in return.
For the previous posting, I dont see any tear drops from our Primerica logo? and there will be none. Tear drops will be only for those who do not like to/want to face their current situtation. The red umberlla is means we will cover everyone under the where is safe.
I am not the downline of 张XX but I know him. He is a nice guy and work hard. Someone might not like him, but he is good.
We are not network marketing and please do not relate us to them. Do you know what is network marketing? Do you know us? Do you know the difference between us? You sounds know so much on the board but actually you are the one that know the least. Please don't feel offenced cause that my feeling. Research some more before posting our attend our meeting and find out, and to ask questions if you can. If you think you are so right. We urge everybody to brust our meeting. Ask anything you want, and you will have the answer. Dont just sit there and write~