精华 大公司

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 dkwan
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最初由 渐渐 发布
I did, and I've come to my conclusion: IT IS A PYRAMID SCAM.

Like I said, others can come to their own conslusions based on facts/opinions, given not only by Primerica salespeople, but by victims of such scam as well.

What made you think that your opinion (an opinion that is likely to be biased due to conflict of interest) is more valuable than other's?

This will be my last post under this topic. I've only put it in [精华区] as a warning to uninformed readers.
we have a meeting today ( Nov 9 ) @ 7pm @ Suit 300, 30 Colonnade Road
I once had an interview with Primerica in Toronto. What they did was to ask me to take their finance course. They claimed their course was cheaper than others. I told them that I came there to be paid, not to pay.
hi mzhan084,

I guess you were paid by getting into the course. Just to know a little bit more about how to manage your personal finance. To pay the course is when you decided to join this business, but if you decided to do nothing about it, you can ignore the business license study manual fee.

Hope you have a great day.
exactly, that is not an ordinary recruitment.

We are looking for self-employed business owner, not a regular hourly pay position

我不是CFC 的会员,但我是读者, 现借朋友的ID 发个帖子。渐渐是我所知道最负责的斑竹,她总是热心地为大家回答问题。在这个讨论中,我想说句公道话。Prmerica 并不是一个体面的公司,说穿了就是一家保险传销公司,当然人各有志,但你必须让人在信息完备的基础上做决定,别浪费大家的时间。如果你是毅力比较坚强的人,坚持一下,但当你干不下去或良心发现的时候,也让大家知道一下。我相信你是一直在找机会的人,同时我也相信你的金融理财知识和经验只不过道听途说学那点,别骗己害人了。传销点日用品还成。你是不是那个满嘴跑宇宙飞船的张**的下线,你最好调查一下。 Prmerica 的标志上的雨是别人的眼泪, 你躲在伞下舒服吗?
我的帖子不须讨论, 这是我的结论。现在你听起来逆耳,但真理总是在事后被时间验证的。但我愿你好运。
最初由 dkwan 发布
exactly, that is not an ordinary recruitment.

We are looking for self-employed business owner, not a regular hourly pay position

If I am a self-emplyed business owner, why I need someone to hire me?
Re: 说句公道话

最初由 dogmm 发布
我不是CFC 的会员,但我是读者, 现借朋友的ID 发个帖子。渐渐是我所知道最负责的斑竹,她总是热心地为大家回答问题。在这个讨论中,我想说句公道话。Prmerica 并不是一个体面的公司,说穿了就是一家保险传销公司,当然人各有志,但你必须让人在信息完备的基础上做决定,别浪费大家的时间。如果你是毅力比较坚强的人,坚持一下,但当你干不下去或良心发现的时候,也让大家知道一下。我相信你是一直在找机会的人,同时我也相信你的金融理财知识和经验只不过道听途说学那点,别骗己害人了。传销点日用品还成。你是不是那个满嘴跑宇宙飞船的张**的下线,你最好调查一下。 Prmerica 的标志上的雨是别人的眼泪, 你躲在伞下舒服吗?
if you are self-employed, why still need to hire someone.

Since you are self-employed, you are using your profession and your own effort to service customer and make reconition. Since our companies has so many service, investment, insurance, and debt managment. Some of the service require supervision, that provinical regulation. So, you must find a company that supervisor your work. Like investments, you need to register your license to a bank in order to sell things, so thats why you join our company and we provide you the workplace. You are self-employed because if you dont work, you will get nothing. The more time and effort on your business, you will get more in return.


For the previous posting, I dont see any tear drops from our Primerica logo? and there will be none. Tear drops will be only for those who do not like to/want to face their current situtation. The red umberlla is means we will cover everyone under the where is safe.


I am not the downline of 张XX but I know him. He is a nice guy and work hard. Someone might not like him, but he is good.


We are not network marketing and please do not relate us to them. Do you know what is network marketing? Do you know us? Do you know the difference between us? You sounds know so much on the board but actually you are the one that know the least. Please don't feel offenced cause that my feeling. Research some more before posting our attend our meeting and find out, and to ask questions if you can. If you think you are so right. We urge everybody to brust our meeting. Ask anything you want, and you will have the answer. Dont just sit there and write~

our real case, a client have 220k loan.

Regular bank, offer 5%, term: 5 years
Our company, offer 6.95%, term: 10 years

See which one is gonna finish paying first.

many people might think its the regular bank, cause the interest rate is low. But actually, most of the people are wrong.

Regular bank, biweekly payment, needs 17 years to payoff. Total interest paid at end of loan: 152k.
Our company, biweeky payment, can payoff in 10 years. Total interest paid at end of loan: 84k.

Wonder why? Thats what we do for our clients. There will be no tears for our client. Tears only from who don't open themselves and learn.

Re: 说句公道话

Thank you dogmm. :blowzy:
My intention in this post was to INFORM people, particularly to those who are desperate and most vulnerable. I think I have accomplished that. :)

最初由 dogmm 发布
我不是CFC 的会员,但我是读者, 现借朋友的ID 发个帖子。渐渐是我所知道最负责的斑竹,她总是热心地为大家回答问题。在这个讨论中,我想说句公道话。Prmerica 并不是一个体面的公司,说穿了就是一家保险传销公司,当然人各有志,但你必须让人在信息完备的基础上做决定,别浪费大家的时间。如果你是毅力比较坚强的人,坚持一下,但当你干不下去或良心发现的时候,也让大家知道一下。我相信你是一直在找机会的人,同时我也相信你的金融理财知识和经验只不过道听途说学那点,别骗己害人了。传销点日用品还成。你是不是那个满嘴跑宇宙飞船的张**的下线,你最好调查一下。 Prmerica 的标志上的雨是别人的眼泪, 你躲在伞下舒服吗?