Bestbuy 160G硬盘 15块,块抢

Regular Price:
Our Price: $89.99
After $35.00 instant savings and
$75.00 Mail-in rebate

$199.99 - $35 - $75 = $89.99
How come you guys get it for 15块?
最初由 airbag 发布
我就是去店里买的 一开始收我149.99 我就和他讲 网上的是89.99 .最后他就把价钱改了 改成89.99 .after rebate 60美元 才十几块 . 楼上的应该多问问 也许就能买上了
最初由 陨石 发布
Regular Price:
Our Price: $89.99
After $35.00 instant savings and
$75.00 Mail-in rebate

$199.99 - $35 - $75 = $89.99
How come you guys get it for 15块?
你来的太晚了,网页已经update 过了,今天上午是$199-$110-75rebate=$14.99
最初由 Dive 发布
你来的太晚了,网页已经update 过了,今天上午是$199-$110-75rebate=$14.99

I guess this was a mistake made by the webmaster. Similar things happened in IBM a few years ago. You guys won't get the rebate.
最初由 陨石 发布

I guess this was a mistake made by the webmaster. Similar things happened in IBM a few years ago. You guys won't get the rebate.
but,that's the webmaster's mistake,not buyer's;)
发票上写的就是89.99 然后还有60美元的rebate ,这次没跑了 呵呵
"Too simple, too naive."
Webmasters can make mistakes, they can correct them too.
最初由 陨石 发布
"Too simple, too naive."
Webmasters can make mistakes, they can correct them too.
才15块钱,真便宜呀,真便宜。:p :p