caroldoob 新手上路 注册 2004-04-19 消息 20 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-01-05 #17 come to here you will get stuff to completely uninstall the 3721...... thanks to "43185" tell me about the stuff! happy to share with all of you
come to here you will get stuff to completely uninstall the 3721...... thanks to "43185" tell me about the stuff! happy to share with all of you
punkren 资深人士 VIP 注册 2004-02-18 消息 7,264 荣誉分数 661 声望点数 273 2005-01-05 #18 3721只是万条狗中的一条 其他还有什么中文域名.什么百度搜索条什么的 多了
W wz700 新手上路 注册 2005-01-11 消息 1 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-01-11 #19 Start computer from install CD. Repair with console command. Delete CnsMinKP.sys (in windows\system32\drivers). Restart computer using Safe mode. Delete related files and registry entries.
Start computer from install CD. Repair with console command. Delete CnsMinKP.sys (in windows\system32\drivers). Restart computer using Safe mode. Delete related files and registry entries.
4 43185 新手上路 注册 2004-12-27 消息 194 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-01-24 #21 最初由 caroldoob 发布 come to here you will get stuff to completely uninstall the 3721...... thanks to "43185" tell me about the stuff! happy to share with all of you 点击展开... welcome you
最初由 caroldoob 发布 come to here you will get stuff to completely uninstall the 3721...... thanks to "43185" tell me about the stuff! happy to share with all of you 点击展开... welcome you
BlahBlah 知名会员 注册 2004-08-30 消息 1,216 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 148 2005-01-24 #22 哎――那些只不过是广告的玩意儿,不去理就行了――在控制面板――添加/卸载程序里把工具条卸了不就完了――把3721的主页控制项关了――流着个删浮动广告的玩意儿玩玩就得了~~
胖蹄阿克 初级会员 VIP 注册 2003-07-08 消息 6,748 荣誉分数 181 声望点数 0 2005-01-26 #23 在我知道yahoo收购3721那一天开始,yahoo在我心目中的形象就大打折扣,周鸿?再有个性也掩盖不了其小人本质,Yahoo收购3721应该是周和Yahoo内部的人里应外合的一出戏罢了 据最新的消息,周要离开yahoo了,是主动是被动还不知道
在我知道yahoo收购3721那一天开始,yahoo在我心目中的形象就大打折扣,周鸿?再有个性也掩盖不了其小人本质,Yahoo收购3721应该是周和Yahoo内部的人里应外合的一出戏罢了 据最新的消息,周要离开yahoo了,是主动是被动还不知道
C cable4sale 知名会员 注册 2004-09-11 消息 2,860 荣誉分数 336 声望点数 193 2005-01-29 #25 最初由 guai 发布 完了,我刚把它装上.真看后悔也来不及了.怎么办怎么办.都急死我了. 点击展开... easy not worry..hehehe