How to convert VOB to AVI?

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how do I do that???

what software is recommanded? (freeware or cracked version) and where do I download these.

thanks a lot
DVDdecrypter only copy the vob file to your harddrive, but doesn't convert vob to avi.
I don't think you need to convert to AVI, it is just too HUGE. I believe a few minutes can take up to 10G hard drive. You need more than 200G for a regular movie (that is for sure).
Why do you need to convert vob to avi? most dvd player software can play vob on your computer.
看来他是要 DivX 的 AVI, 所有的软件都特别慢,比如 dual copy gold.
well, I want to rip DVD's and share the movie/tv shows with my friends (to burn on CD/DVD, so want it to be small)

can you give a download link?
如果你要知道怎么rip DVD,就到google上search,有N多的文章说这个的,在这里一句两句的也说不清楚
如果你rip的目的是为了给朋友在burn到DVD上,,为什么不直接DVD copy到DVD R上?
I want to burn 8 DVD's content onto one DVD, as data DVD
If you want to burn more dvds on one dvd-r, the easy way is that get divx file first, then convert to VCD format,then use "ulead pictureshow" to produced DVD. Normally, one dvd+R can include 3-4 DVD movies.
最初由 just in L.U.O. 发布
I want to burn 8 DVD's content onto one DVD, as data DVD
即使是DIVX 单碟版,也得700MB,8个就是5.6G,一张单层的盘是刻不下的,只能downgrade质量,这样还有什么意思
just save dvd+R, haha....

I have made super-dvd almost 100, and every dvd+r has 3-4 movies. just keep for fun.
covert them into dvdrip then covert then into rmvb
most rmvb files are around 350mb, so you can have 4500/350 around 12 files