1784 初级会员 VIP 注册 2002-05-22 消息 22,968 荣誉分数 902 声望点数 293 2005-03-30 #16 最初由 陪你去看龙卷风 发布 covert them into dvdrip then covert then into rmvb most rmvb files are around 350mb, so you can have 4500/350 around 12 files 点击展开... tell me more about the details please
最初由 陪你去看龙卷风 发布 covert them into dvdrip then covert then into rmvb most rmvb files are around 350mb, so you can have 4500/350 around 12 files 点击展开... tell me more about the details please
M mamaomao 新手上路 注册 2005-01-15 消息 15,179 荣誉分数 13 声望点数 0 2005-03-30 #17 Super DVD Ripper is a not-too-bad DVD ripper. Try it.
heureux 闲逛 管理成员 VIP 注册 2004-07-18 消息 46,334 荣誉分数 20,281 声望点数 1,393 2005-03-30 #19 楼主可去射手网看看: http://www.shooter.com.cn/ 你的问题,那儿都有解