
iGuidance Version 2.1.2 for Pocket PC

New! Enhanced memory management for longer distance routing
New! Improved bluetooth connectivity
New! 4 pre-defined map color themes
New! Single click POI navigation from onscreen icon (name/phone displayed if available)
New! Real time weather report (internet access required via LAN, BT, mobile phone, Wi-Fi, etc)
Turn-by-turn visual instructions with voice prompts
Search by city or street first, intersection, city center, POI, LAT/LON, contacts (PPC only), favorites, and recent
Over 21,000 additional POI destinations (ex. over 9700+ new restaurants) with subcategories (listed by alphabetical order, distance, or city)
Maneuver guidance screen
Route list display
Quickest, shortest, local, major, ferry, toll, and carpool route options
Automatic day/night map color switching
Record and play route/track
Detour by "avoid" roads
Customizable hot keys for quick command (for PDA)
Default (non-customizable) hot keys for quick command (for laptop)
Stopover setting
Automatic rerouting for wrong turns
Special safety features (speed and fog alert)
Status box displaying ETA, distance, remaining time, and speed
Easy to use keypad for name entry
New! New digital map available from Navteq w/ expanded Canadian coverage including all provinces w/ most areas down to street level
134,316 additional navigable miles from v1.1
Easily select map region by state, region, or by city/radius
Detailed map display w/ street names
Zoom in and out
Trip information
Visual Display
New! Enhanced 3-D display
New! VGA & landscape view support
New! Full screen mode for laptop
Geo-features differentiating lands, body of water, airport, etc
Full screen mode for pocket pc only
Large finger accessible buttons
Intuitive menu options
Distance indication bar
Automatic color modes for day and night display
Bright colors for visual enhancement
Turn-by-turn voice prompts
Automatic voice alerts before each turn/exit
Multiple distance notification for each maneuver

Overall this product is pretty amazing. But it's not perfect so that's why I gave it 4 stars instead of 5.

The good:
Set up was easy. Being able to put whole states on my pocket PC instead of picking regions out of the map is great. I don't have to piece meal my trip like with Microsoft Sreets. The maps are about 30 Meg to 80 Meg per state. But with 512 Meg sd cards going for less that $50 that's not a problem.
The voice prompts are excellent. You can navigate almost any route with just the voice which is how it should be since you shouldn't be looking at the map while driving. In some cases when the roads get tricky it helps to look at the maps. For instance sometimes it will tell you to turn even though you're staying on the same road if other roads intersect at an angle and the road is turning. That's OK as long as you understand what it means. The display is clear and the automatic zooming when you get close to the turn is an excellent idea. I found myself doing that manually with Microsoft streets and trips just to get by. All the pertinent information you need while driving is there and easy to see, the name of the road for the next turn, its distance, and the direction of the turn. I like how it speaks the route number and direction when entering a highway. For example it will say something like, enter route 30 East on the left so that you can correlate the information with the available signs.
Both the pocket pc and laptop version are included and operate identically which is cool. Learn one and you've learned both. Great idea.

The bad:
Some of the routes it calculates are not the quickest. I have Microsofts Streets and Trips 2005 as well, and while I think that product is inferior overall, it does appear to calculate routes a little better. It's also difficult with this product to influence the route by setting way points. You can only set one "stopover" as far as I can tell. So the way I use it is I set a stopover on the route I know is better so that it will pick that route. Then when you get to the stopover point you have to click a button to show the rest of the route. A little clunky. You should be able to set multiple points that it will route through to the final destination. It does allow you to pick detours to avoid specific routes, but when I tried that to influence the route, their directions got even worse. Then I tried to "detour" the second route it picked so that hopefully it would pick what I know is the better route, but instead it went back to the original route I detoured. It doesn't remember previous detours! How easy it would be to make this a much more useful program with just a little more thought and effort. I don't expect it to know the best route everywhere, but at least allow me to influence it. They do have various options for routing such as shortest and least amount of turns, avoid toll roads, etc. but these are not as useful as I might have thought. If you pick the shortest route, at least in my area, you end up on some roads that look like driveways. So this is not a viable alternative to influencing the route.
Being able to record your trip is an excellent idea but they don't have any options for retrieving the data other than playing it back at the original speed. If you want to review a trip you'll have to sit through the whole thing. How hard would it have been to put a slider bar or fast forward on this? Another "almost" good idea. The demo feature allows you to preview your trip. But it also only goes at normal speed. What use is that other than to show your friends how cool it is? Keep trying guys, I'm sure you'll get it right eventually.

The zoom feature could use some more controls on the PC. For instance, the mouse wheel should zoom. Or you should be able to draw a rectangle around an area to zoom to. Maybe Microsoft patented those ideas? Or that may make the PC and pocket PC version too different.

The ugly:
I didn't find anything really ugly about this. There are no blatent bugs that render some programs like Microsoft Sreets and Trips unuseable. But I'll speak of that in another review.

We have loaded this product onto our laptop and our Dell Axim PDA. It is working great. We use a bluetooth GPS receiver. The voice prompts are very useful. I like the various options for mapping route (shorterst, quickest, etc). Very user friendly. I would reccomend this product.
Tips & Tricks for MS S&T:

1. Customize how Streets & Trips opens

You can customize how MS Streets & Trips or MS AutoRoute opens. For example you may prefer that it opens zoomed into a specific map area, shows Route Planner pane, uses larger font size, etc.

Create a new map or modify an existing map with the features you'd like to see whenever you open a new map.

On the File menu, click Save As.

In the Save in box, browse to Program Files\Microsoft Streets & Trips \Templates, and click New North American Map.stt.

Click the arrow next to the Save as type box, and then choose Map Template from the list.

Click Save

When prompted about replacing New North American Map.stt, click Yes.

Your map replaces the Streets & Trips default template.

Save location for MS AutoRoute is Program Files\Microsoft AutoRoute\Templates\New European Map.axt

2. Useful keyboard shotcuts

(Use the following 2 shortcuts while map pane is in focus. Click on map, if it isn? in focus)

(-) Zoom out
(+) Zoom in

(Hold down Ctrl key, then press the second key.)

Ctrl+F toggles Find dialog box
Ctrl+A toggles GPS task pane
Ctrl+R toggles Route Planner pane
Ctrl+U toggles Directions pane
Ctrl+D toggles Find Nearby Places

(Press the following 4 keys in sequence.)

Alt+T+G+T toggles Track Position
Alt+T+G+K toggles Keep Position Centred
Alt+T+G+A toggles Allow Map to Rotate
Alt+T+G+R toggles Reroute from Current Point
Alt+T+G+G toggles Create GPS Trail

F6 Move focus among all the panes in the active window.

3. Single-key shortcuts configured for MS Streets & Trips

S&Tkeys is a FREE small add-on for Microsoft Streets & Trips which enables users to control S&T with single-key shortcuts. S&Tkeys lets you perform the following actions by using F-keys of your keyboard:

F1 - (Help) displays a list of functions for 10 seconds or till Esc or Enter is pressed
F2 - starts S&T or brings it to your desktop if minimized
F3 - toggles Track Position
F4 - toggles Keep Position Centered
F5 - toggles Rotate Map to follow travel direction
F6 - recalculates route from current location
F7 - toggles Route Planner
F8 - toggles Find Nearby Places
F9 - clears route
F10 - zooms-out
F11 - zooms-in
F12 - toggles Create GPS Trail

Find out more: >>click here<<

5. Recalculate on-the-fly

Beside the obvious (keyboard shortcuts and recalculate route button) users may achieve the same by clicking once on the green route, and after it turns blue click and drag it to your current position or slightly ahead.

6. Night glare ?how to avoid it

"Road Map" style is too bright for night driving. Choose "Terrain Map" instead. Go to Menu bar > View > Map Style > Terrain Map

An even better solution may be to set the map background to a darker color by using S&T's drawing tools. Follow these steps:

Zoom out to see your route or even the whole world

Select Rectangle tool on the Drawing toolbar

Click and drag a rectangle on the map to cover an area larger than your route (you may even cover the whole world)

Click on the arrow beside Fill Color tool on the Drawing toolbar and select your desired color for your night view scheme (grey, blue, brown are nice choices)

Right-click the rectangle and select Order > Send Behind Roads
Read more on page 2 and see picture on page 3

7. Cannot find roads of the following types: Crescent, Square, Terrace, Place

When searching for 123 Paul Street you only need to type 123 Paul. There is no need to specify the road type, e.g. Street, Avenue, Drive, Road, Boulevard, etc. However, when searching for Crescent, Square, Terrace, Place, unless you at least type the first letter of the road type, S&T will not locate it. To locate e.g. 123 Guillaume Place, type at least: 123 Guillaume P

8. How to search for intersections

To find an intersection, type two street names, separated by an ampersand (&), in the Street address box. For example, to find an intersection of Yonge Street and Finch Avenue, type Yonge ST & Finch Ave. To do it even simpler, all you need to do is type: yonge&finch.

9. Set Canada as the default country of the Find feature

If you wish the default country setting of the Find feature to be Canada rather than United States, you may need to change the default language settings of your Windows operating system:

Microsoft Windows XP > Start > Settings > Control Panel > Regional and Language Options icon > set your location to Canada and language settings to either English (Canada) or French (Canada) > click OK

Microsoft Windows 2000 > Start > Settings > Control Panel > Regional Options icon > General tab > in the ?our locale (location)?list, select either English (Canada) or French (Canada) > click OK

Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME > Start > Settings > Control Panel > Regional Settings icon > Regional Settings tab > In the Language list, select English. In the Country/Region list select Canada > Click OK > restart computer

10. Different ways to zoom in or out

Double-click a name of a place on the map to zoom in on that area.

Drag your mouse pointer diagonally on the map to select an area. Click inside the selected area to zoom in.

Use the wheel button to zoom in or out. Roll the wheel button forward to zoom in. Roll the wheel button backward to zoom out. If you need to change the zoom level in smaller increments, first click on the Zoom Slider on the Navigation toolbar, then use the mouse wheel. see picture on page 2

To move the map, hold the wheel button down and drag the mouse pointer in the direction you want.

Use (+) and (-) key to change the zoom level. If you need to change the zoom level in smaller increments, first click on the Zoom Slider on the Navigation toolbar, then use the left or right arrow keys to change the zoom level.

11. How to search for highway exit numbers

To search for highway exit numbers in Canada: open Find (Ctrl+F), under Country select Canada, in the Street Address field enter the highway exit number you wish to search, select province, and then hit Find button. In the results list, select the place you want.

I know of no reliable way to search for highway exit numbers in the USA.

12. Force MS Streets & Trips into full screen mode

There is a third party software application that lets users "force" any software into full screen mode. Read about it here

13. Streets & Trips 2005 crashes when running on Win98/98SE/ME

MS Streets & Trips 2005 crashes (in some configurations) when running under Windows 98, Windows 98SE, or Windows ME. The simplest and quickest solution is this: Do NOT open GPS Task pane while using S&T, but instead use S&Tkeys to control GPS and other functions. Other solutions would include experimenting with printer drivers on your computer. Read about it here

14. How to set Night Stops in a long distance trip spanning several days

If you plan a long distance trip that spans over several days, S&T automatically generates "Night Stops" for you. They appear as yellow moons inside blue squares along your route.

Yes, you can "customize" where and when you stop for the night. The initial "Night Stops" are generated based on your time set in: Menu bar > Route > More Options > Profile > End driving at. You may change the Start, End, and Flexibility time values. For maximum flexibility you may want to set the Flexibility value to 2 hours. When you are happy with your settings, follow these steps:

Enter all your stops including start and end in the Route Planner

In the Route Planner right-click the Stop you want to be the last one for the day, click "Schedule Stop", put checkmark in front of "Stop for", then instead of "Hrs:Mins" select "Nights". Do the same with all Stop locations at which you plan to spend the night

Click "Get Directions" to generate your route.

If you still see some blue/yellow night-stop icons, you may want to increase the "Flexibility" value or set your Start/End time values to allow for more hours of driving in a day

15. Voice Driving Instructions

Are you interested to add Voice Driving Instructions functionality to your MS Streets & Trips? Read more on the top of page 4

16. Detour around an area

By drawing Avoid Area rectangles we can modify our route with extreme speed. A task that could quite often take a long time to complete using other software, can be done in MS Streets & Trips with ease and only in just few seconds. Read more in the middle of page 4

17. Driving among tall buildings

Most of our GPS receivers these days are not yet sensitive enough to work properly in some environments. You may notice temporary loss of signal when driving in the midst of tall buildings. Or you may have only few satellites in view with very weak signal. Occasionally your position may jump from one street on the map to another street.

In such situations I find it very helpful to disable "Rotate map to follow travel direction" feature, and just view the map the "normal way", which is: "north-up".

18. Share one GPS between several applications

GpsGate lets you share one GPS receiver between several applications. If you would like to run more then one GPS program simultaneously, this little utility software will make it possible for you without having to buy another GPS receiver. You may even open Streets & Trips twice on your desktop and watch your position on two maps in different zoom levels. You may set one instance of S&T to rotate map in the direction of travel and the second instance of S&T may display the map north-up. Read more here

19. How to estimate time of arrival while driving

Whenever you need to know your ETA just hit the "Go" button of the "Recalculate..." function in the GPS Task pane. The first line in the Directions pane will display your current distance-to-destination and also the time-to-destination information. See it on this picture

20. Map errors and what to do with them

While we cannot edit the underlying map properties, we may let the map makers know about the errors we find. There is more than one way to do that. Read about it here

21. How to fine-tune ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)

I noticed that the default settings in MS Streets & Trips 2005 generate a bit more optimistic ETA in comparison to S&T? previous versions. You may change Speed settings in Menu bar > Route > More Options > Driving Speeds. To find out what the Slower, Average, Faster, and all the settings in-between mean read on the bottom of page 4

22. Garmin USB GPS receivers & how to use them

If you cannot get your Garmin USB GPS receiver working with MS Streets & Trips, it may be because your Garmin likely doesn? use NMEA protocol. Now there is a solution: Read about it on the bottom of page 4

23. Construction Update feature not working

If the built-in feature doesn't work for some reason, you may still update construction information manually. Follow the instructions outlined >>here<<

24. My computer thinks my GPS receiver is a mouse

If your Windows 2000 computer recognizes your USB GPS receiver as a computer mouse you may need to unplug the GPS device from the USB port during boot-up and only re-insert after boot-up is completed.

25. How to export pushpins

Yes, it is possible to export pushpins from AutoRoute, and even from Streets & Trips, into other formats, for example MS Excel file format. Find out how in this thread:

26. Why are house numbers sometimes located far from their actual position?

In applications based on map data provided by NavTeq you may notice that streets usually end with numbers 99. For example if the highest number on your street is 12345, maps based on NavTeq data will likely allow you to search the street up to the number of 12399. Some non NavTeq software products try to use actual street number ranges, but in my experience that is a much worse alternative as often times I have been unable to successfully search for a street number which did exist, but was not in the map because the street number might have belonged to a newer building. A NavTeq solution does allow for a new house to be built at the end of a street tomorrow, and still be searchable with a map product purchased yesterday. The only disadvantage (not really a big one, though) is that accuracy at the end of a street may be affected. You may notice this if you live at a very short street which has only a handful of houses on it and numbers really range only from e.g. 1 to 20. If your house is e.g. #20, the map will not show your house as being at the very end of your street because the very end is reserved for number 99. Not a perfect solution, but it is the best there is today in comparison to other alternatives ;-)

27. How to plan a group bicycle ride or a walk-a-thon, etc

The route generating function of S&T may not be appropriate to use when planning an event like a group bicycle ride or a walk-a-thon, etc. You may try drawing the desired path using the Scribble tool located on the Drawing toolbar of your MS Streets & Trips. Fill Color should be set to No Fill and you may choose your own line color (use Line Color button) and also the line thickness (use Line Style button).

If you wish to print the map you may experiment with different map background colors: 1. Zoom out to see your entire route, 2. Select Rectangle tool on the Drawing toolbar, 3. Click and drag a rectangle on the map to cover an area larger than your route, 4. Click on the arrow beside Fill Color tool on the Drawing toolbar and select your desired color for the map background (white may be one good choice), 5. Right-click the rectangle and select Order > Send Behind Roads

28. Solution for GPS receivers not supporting 4,800 baud rate

If your GPS receiver does not communicate at 4800 bps baud rate, MS Streets & Trips will give you the following error message: "The GPS receiver is sending messages, but they are not being recognized as NMEA 2.0-compatible. Make sure the GPS receiver input/output format is set to deliver NMEA 2.0-compatible messages at the correct baud (4800 bps)."
GPS Gate solves this problem.

SmartST is the best for navigation, but it needs activation

PocketStreet is best for POI (restruants, rental cars, hotels), its accuracy, and street number when you tap a street. But it is not for navigation.