We have programs to show that if you run Matlab (Mathematica), P4 3.0GHz (from Dell) requires almost once more time than an Athlon64 3200+(its actual freq is much lower than 3.0GHz).最初由 苞米花 发布
手头上就有这两台机器,当然拿着两个比了。即便我用P4 3.0和AMD 350比,那也是比,那也是说明p4 3.0技术先进,也能用真实数据说明p4 3.0比AMD 350快,而且是具体快多少。64 3000+ 和P4 2.4一个是64位,一个是32位,可你没64位软件支持,不还是一样? 在同样32位系统下运作,这才能说明0.09微米比0.13微米先进呢。
This is a joke, I guess. Where can you find CPUs from "INTER" and "ADM"?Large RAM will require more time in the boot stage, as usually it requires some self-detection. If you disable the detection, you can speedup but it is risky to fail the system.最初由 justinli 发布
是啊 我就买个939的3000+64回家 慢的跟蜗牛一样 DELUXE的华烁 开机跟386没区别.简直就是垃圾(1GB的内存PC3200 DDR400 还是双通道)
而且现在还总出现死机的情况! OH MY GOD! 简直就是垃圾机器!
还是我的INTER好 一辈子不再受骗去买ADM