PS2, XBOX, Game Cube


What's difference between theses? I am thinking to buy one for my daughter, but I have no idea at all. thanks, any suggestion?

Is it a good idea to buy from CHina? I am going back for visit on Dec.
If your daughter is under 17, gamecube is a good choice. There are lots of cute game for kids.
If u wanna go back China to buy, PS2 is good choice, because if u changed the reader then it can also read the copy-game. That can save lots of money.
X-box is suck~~~
thanks al lot

maybe I should buy game cube. can I buy it from China?
I am not sure there are anywhere can buy the copy-game for gamecube, and buy it here is easy for u to repari it, right? If u buy it in China, the system maybe chinese. That means it cannot read the English disk(the location code).
XBOX360 is the best

XBOX360 is the next generation gaming console. It is the newest and most powerful one among other consoles for now, but it only start to sale after nov.22 2005. The only problem is that it is kinda sorta...expensive. $400
XBOX360 not only have the price problem, the games for it only few~~~
more importantly,most game is for the Amreican。 Too many kill, blood , horal in the games。(for kids)。
if just compare the hardwork, the best is PS3
yeah I agree~~ if he wanna wait untill next year, ps3 is the best choice. The games for XBOX 360 are kinda suck.. But i don't have that much patient, so I have ordered 360 anyway...hope microsoft'll develop more good games...Final Fantasy XI on XBOX360 should be fun~