
不过 我现在写不出ALTERNATIVE来 不知道怎么写....哎 只能写个STATUS QUO 其他的实在写不出来
就是写不来也不超过3个...郁闷 都有点怀疑我的PRIMARY PROBLEM了
大家对这个PRIMARY PROBLEM有异议吗?我怎麽找不到解决方案,不像小组做的case,解决方案都很明显的,笔记也是一条条的,这个是什麽呢?大家讨论一下.
最初由 justinli 发布
不过 我现在写不出ALTERNATIVE来 不知道怎么写....哎 只能写个STATUS QUO 其他的实在写不出来
就是写不来也不超过3个...郁闷 都有点怀疑我的PRIMARY PROBLEM了
我也怀疑PRIMARY PROBLEM了,不知道该怎麽下手呀:rolleyes:
这个primary problem的alternatives真的很难从书上找出来,但另外的primary problem比如culture, structure又觉得不对.
最初由 五味 发布
这个primary problem的alternatives真的很难从书上找出来,但另外的primary problem比如culture, structure又觉得不对.
Alternative 不一定都非得是书上的,能够解决问题就行.
I can only provide some suggestions to you guys. You can use my point if it is resonable.

1. Status Quo ---- no change

2. After the acquisition, the new ogranization adopts the ogranizaiton structure and culture of Paradigm Technologies.

Although there is one business ogranizaiton structure and culture, employees will not adapt to the changes pefectly. In addtion, employees are likely to go back to the previous state.

3. Top management briefly introduce and inform how they will change the ogranizational structure and culture.(Change structure and culture at the same time).The top management of both companies need to make one unique business organizational structure and culture.

Two-way communication is important.

organizational change must include not only changing structures and processes, but also changing the corporate culture as well.

Alternative 3 can best solve the primary problem, so this is the recommended solution.
很奇怪,为什么你们在修的人不讨论下每个人想到的alternative,全部放在一起这样pick out不是会更简单些?