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- 2004-07-25
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Re: Re: For tomorrow night's memorial service
最初由 Tarus 发布
My two cents.
I support this memorial service from my bottom of the heart but there is to be needed the special report from the local newspapers and TV channels. In small place like the fullhouse, it couldn't take hundreads of people to attend this event.
The organizers of this event must be careful to prevent any violence from happening. It's a good idea if there are a few strong guys to
be the roles like the police.
I wish this event to become the first to unite all of Chinese in Canada together to show our strength. We couldn't let the
similar things happen on US again. Nobody has the right to take
the life away from us.
最初由 某某 发布
1) Driving conditions may not be the best tomorrow night, everyone driving to the service please exercise extra caution, especially those driving long distance from out of town.
1) 明天的路况可能不好,开车去参加仪式的请格外小心,尤其是从其他城市来开长途的。
2) Memorial service is an occassion to pay your final respect to the victims and show your sympathy to their families. It is an occassion to mourn and to mourn only. Nothing else is appropriate. Read this forum and sense that some of you may have other plans. Most of these plans are good-willed but the timing of tomorrow night is not appropriate. Remember, you are there to mourn and to mourn only. I have attended a number of funeral services here and that is the way it is. Push any other planned activities to a later time after the service.
2) 纪念仪式是向死者表达尊重,向死者家属表达同情的场合。是专门用来悼念的场合。其他一切用途都不合适。从论坛里的一些言论里感觉到,你们中间有部分人还有其他的计划。这些计划中大多数都是善意的,但是明天晚上这个场合不适合。记住,你去那里是悼念,单纯的悼念。我参加过不少悼念活动,而这就是悼念活动的中心思想。把其他的计划都推迟到仪式之后的时间去吧。
6) Being angry is natural and understandable in a trying time like this. But please keep your cool. Canada is ruled by law. Please speak and act lawfully.
6) 在这样一个艰难痛苦的时候,愤怒是自然的,也是可以理解的。但是请保持冷静。加拿大是个法制国家。请大家说话和行动的时候遵守法律。
最初由 枫都书叟 发布
3) The forum has witnessed a bombardment of expressions for a sharp divide between "old immigrants" and "junior students". Totally senseless. For one thing, some "old immigrants" may have said something completely inappropriate due to whatever motive but remember, they are far away from being representative of all old immigrants. Not all old immigrants think and act the same neither do junior students. Each and every of us are all residents of the city of Ottawa. We want our homes, streets and communities as safe as possible! The opinioned sharp divide is going to do nothing to make our streets and communities safer but harm. We are all fellow Chinese, male or female, old or young, working or studying. We lost two young precious members and that is what all matters. Extremely hard to accept and we all ought to do something to make our homes and streets safer! Stop the artificial divide --- it need not exist, it should not exist. If it did exist before, let's all do our best to minimize/eliminate it!
对于论坛上老移和小留的明显分裂,实在是没理由的。 的确,有个别老移说了一些很伤人的话。 但大家要明白他们只是个别人, 根本不能打表广大老移们。 不要一竹竿打倒所有老移。 人各有异,老移小留都不排外。
我们都是渥太华的居民,大家都希望拥有安全的生活环境,让大家放心生活。 严重的分支对抗不会让街道,社区更安全,反而会有负面影响! 不要在对抗了,实在是有害无益的一种表现。 请停止这种没必要的行为。
4) There are only rumours about the killer(s) --- no police confirmation! Please stop believing in and spreading rumours. Believing in and spreading rumours is a self-feeding process and doesn't do good in any sense. Even worse, some posts and commentaries are spreading and promoting inter-racial hatred. This is unlawful in Canada. Stop now!
关于凶手的身份,到现在为止,警方还未发布任何有关消系, 所有网上发布的信息严格说来只是谣言! 请不要轻易相信及传播未经官方验检的消系。这是一种恶性蔓延,而起引起不必要的种族分裂即误会。 在加拿大,被告人都是无罪直到在法庭宣告。 散播未经官方的谣言是不合法律的。 请三思!
May you rest in peace, young souls!
最初由 枫都书叟 发布
5) After the service, if you were a witness to the gun shots that early morning, please give to the police your count in the way most appropriate to you. This will greatly help the police to capture the killer(s) and serve justice.
烛光夜活动之后,请有线索的目击者和在场的警方沟通。 这样可以协助警方早日逮捕凶手。
7) At some point later on, reflection and soul-searching may be appriopriate for all fellow Chinese. If we all learn some thing from this tragedy and can collectively prevent further tragedies happening down in the road, that will be the best way we mourn and remember our lost members. As a member of the older generation, I will be actively participating in this healing, reflecting and soul-searching process!
从这次的事件当中, 我们都学到了很多,感受了很多。 如果可以从中有一些领悟, 我们就可以防止以后这种类似的事发生。 这是最对的起已离开我们的无辜生命的方法。 作为老一代,我也会努力的让自己在思考,探索中走上恢复的路上。
May you rest in peace, young souls!