最初由 roaring mouse 发布
Medically speaking, (not everyone has 2 breasts). Everyone has more than two in his or her embryonic stage. What happens is most undergo regression, leaving only two. In some, this regression does not occur and what ends up is paramammillary breasts.
yokel, be careful with your englisch. say "breasts" not "breast"; you may lead dumb folks like me to think you have only one "breast" not "two breasts"
take it easy, yokel. do not take it too personal. you overwhelmed my intelligence. ask one question at a time. that way you keep my simple-minded brain simple.
you amazed me by your diligence (not your intelligence). make it simple, try "accessory breasts" or "supernumerary breasts."
"be careful with your englisch. say "breasts" not "breast";"
Are you questioning my poor English again?LOL
Let me refresh your memory again. This is what you said not long ago.
"do not question someone's english even if he or she uses a wrong word or grammar. that is called decency..."
Now the true color of your shameless character finally is bursting into open. I have been amazed to see that you could hide or hold it for so long. It reminds me of an English saying "if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it must be a duck." I have to admit I was impressed by your restraining effort in controlling your true character...

If people here knew how shameless and disgusting you were back then, they have to admit the filthiest mouth here can be considered an exemplary civilized person when comparing to you...
Regardless your character, thanks, nonetheless.
"ask one question at a time"
Asking me to raise a single question again?..
It just goes to show another example of your shameless character.
"you amazed me by your diligence"
Thanks for saying that, but it can hardly be called diligent because typing the three phrases ("paramammillary breasts", "para-mammillary breast", "mammillary breasts") took less then 30 seconds. You sounded like you were surprised to see people taking 30 seconds to search the so called "paramammillary breasts"...
"make it simple for you"
Thanks for making it simple for people like me.
Now let's talk about
"paramammillary breasts". Can you also make it simple for people like me to explain a bit more about the phrase/concept you used
"paramammillary breasts". Here are a couple of questions for you:
1. What the heck exactly is the so called
"paramammillary breasts"?
2. Where did you first encounter the phrase
"paramammillary breasts"?
3. If you are the one who first created the phrase/concept, I think you deserve the international recognition. Are you the first one?
4. Where did you get the idea
"Everyone has more than two in his or her embryonic stage."? The info I found all indicates that "supernumerary breasts/nipples" only happen to a very small group of people AND only happen after the persons were born. There is no indication that it happens either
"during the embryonic stage" or to
"everyone", quite different from what you claimed. Can you provide some information to support your claim?
I have to admit that you are getting creative making a fool of yourself...

Here's why:
- Fabricating the concept/phrase of
"paramammillary breasts"
- Apparently having no idea what "paramammillary" means or having problem with logic again. Just look at
"paramammillary breasts" and ask yourself. How often have you seen in English or in any languages the expressions such as "breast like breasts" or "a mouse like mouse"?
- Claiming
"Everyone has more than two in his or her embryonic stage." with the so called
"paramammillary breasts" with no evidence.
What can I say about you? You tell me...

I'm speechless about you...
One more thing I want to say to you before closing. Based on your performance so far, you're more and more making my yokel brain bored. No wonder you have made my 286 bored after so many years courting her...