因工作调动,需搬到其它城市.现转租一超大一室一厅.您可以选择1月1日搬入, 或12月21日之后搬入, 12月份免费. Lease到明年8月底到期, 到时您可自由选择搬走或续签.公寓位于Lincoln Field的河边上, 在家里就能看到安大略河美丽的河景.这个公寓的厅和卧室都很大,所有房间光线明亮, 位于高层建筑之中.公寓楼内有健身房,桑拿房,游泳池,会客室等等设施.
本公寓地理位置极好.楼下就有OCT159号BUS.走不到5分钟就到Lincoln Field Mall. 那里有War-Mart,大苹果等等你需要的商店. 走2分钟就可到安大略湖边欣赏美景.整个小区非常安静.
价格: 825/月,水,电,暖全包.
如果您有兴趣, 请联系613-421-6655. 请讲英文. 如果您想说中文, 可打我的手机403-612-5088(但是长途). 如果您是Rogers的电话, 那打我的手机就是免费的.
Beautiful 1 Bedroom apartment for sublease only 8 months left. Very large bedroom and sitting room facing to Ontario River at Lincoln Heights. OTC 159 No bus stops just in front of the building.
825 everything is included.
Very clean apartment. 5 min walking to transit road and 5 min walking to Lincoln field mall and 2 min walking to Ontario River . Available from January 1st or December 22nd upon request. No charge for last week of the December. There is outside pool, in house fitness club and guest room. Free to tenants
If interested please call after 6 pm at 613 421 6655"
本公寓地理位置极好.楼下就有OCT159号BUS.走不到5分钟就到Lincoln Field Mall. 那里有War-Mart,大苹果等等你需要的商店. 走2分钟就可到安大略湖边欣赏美景.整个小区非常安静.
价格: 825/月,水,电,暖全包.
如果您有兴趣, 请联系613-421-6655. 请讲英文. 如果您想说中文, 可打我的手机403-612-5088(但是长途). 如果您是Rogers的电话, 那打我的手机就是免费的.
Beautiful 1 Bedroom apartment for sublease only 8 months left. Very large bedroom and sitting room facing to Ontario River at Lincoln Heights. OTC 159 No bus stops just in front of the building.
825 everything is included.
Very clean apartment. 5 min walking to transit road and 5 min walking to Lincoln field mall and 2 min walking to Ontario River . Available from January 1st or December 22nd upon request. No charge for last week of the December. There is outside pool, in house fitness club and guest room. Free to tenants
If interested please call after 6 pm at 613 421 6655"