
昨晚我滑冰去了. 风大, 天冷, 冰太差, 很多地方基本上就是压实了的雪, 一滑上去, 吱吱作响, 冰刀也随之陷进去. 那声音太差, 就像刀在玻璃上滑过. 我滑了一个来回, 整个冰道也就见到二十几人, 倒是在Arts center那一段似乎几个华人在滑.

大家还记得上个星期的冰况吧, 温度在零下一二度的时候, 如果阳光好, 冰面在中午就会开化了,到了下午一点多, 很多地方就不适于滑了. 我之所以去的时间比较早, 就是因为早上那段时间冰面好, 大家要是觉得早, 想周末多休息回儿, 最好也不要晚于11点.

这天气在不断变化, 刚看了下天气预报, 这个周六似乎有小雪:(
i usually goto the rink close to downtown...seems like u guys go a lot further from downtown (dows lake)?

Yep, but if you examine the map, the whole skateway is around downtown:). Dows lake is not far from downtown:rolleyes:, and there are nice places for parking.
For me, it's just a start point no matter where I start from. I wander along the whole skateway and I may stay longer here and there if I find a better spot.
大家好! 好大的雪呀!希望冰道会重新开放。这样一来,我们又有机会滑冰了。记得上星期五中午滑了一趟(Dows lake to 417 bridge),冰的条件相当不错。有冰可滑,冬天也不会郁闷。
大家好! 好大的雪呀!希望冰道会重新开放。这样一来,我们又有机会滑冰了。记得上星期五中午滑了一趟(Dows lake to 417 bridge),冰的条件相当不错。有冰可滑,冬天也不会郁闷。

Well, Well......

Another successful skating season on the World’s Largest Skating Rink ends. Due to the mild temperatures and abundant snowfall expected in the Capital Region this week, the National Capital Commission (NCC) would like to advise skaters that the Rideau Canal Skateway officially closed for the season this morning, Wednesday, March 5, 2008.
Hi guys,

This news is too bad for me. I have to take my skating shoes home from my office and return to the small ice field in front of my apartment if the weather is available during this coming weekend. It doesn't seem possible to skate to Parliament Hill again. In stead, what can we do next? Fishing? too quiet. Skiing? take time and money. Walking (to malls)? What I did before albeit boring but we have to do some exercise outdoor. Which one? Billingbridge.
When spring comes, I will run bike to Rideau parks.

Best regards.
:)随着春暖花开,运动的方式会有更多选择 :p, 如果你喜欢滑冰,有一个替代项目就是inline skate。不知道这儿有多少人也会轮滑? 哈哈,春天到了,我们玩轮滑去!