angel_fly_fly 新手上路 注册 2007-07-05 消息 455 荣誉分数 7 声望点数 0 2008-10-05 #391 谢谢,我去问了一下。 有护膝的感觉是不是很爽呀!!! wait for angel 说: 哇噻,鹿真的是你拍的吗? Hiking到底是干什么呢? 真的就是在大山里面一直一直走吗? 点击展开...
W2W Whatever 注册 2008-03-20 消息 209 荣誉分数 9 声望点数 18 所在地 Wherever 2008-10-06 #392 Hi dear all,a new poll is created in the group.Please vote there.
angel_fly_fly 新手上路 注册 2007-07-05 消息 455 荣誉分数 7 声望点数 0 2008-10-07 #394 Amazing...
angel_fly_fly 新手上路 注册 2007-07-05 消息 455 荣誉分数 7 声望点数 0 2008-10-10 #395 Hi, Girls & Boys, I cannot go tomorrow~~ Have fun~
walkley road 资深人士 VIP 注册 2005-08-16 消息 1,694 荣誉分数 88 声望点数 208 2008-10-12 #396 抱病去了一趟mont-tremblant,风景不错,但和algonquin park还有差距。大家凑合着看吧。 附件 1.jpg 116.1 KB · 查看: 84 3.jpg 130.1 KB · 查看: 84 4.jpg 216.4 KB · 查看: 88 5.jpg 120.8 KB · 查看: 84 6.jpg 165.8 KB · 查看: 86
walkley road 资深人士 VIP 注册 2005-08-16 消息 1,694 荣誉分数 88 声望点数 208 2008-10-12 #397 two more. 附件 8.jpg 127.3 KB · 查看: 85 10.jpg 95 KB · 查看: 85
wait for angel 知名会员 VIP 注册 2005-05-12 消息 707 荣誉分数 33 声望点数 188 2008-10-12 #398 很漂亮啊。 明天咱们也把相机都带着吧。 队长生病还爬那么高的山。。。
D DayInDayOUt 知名会员 注册 2005-10-03 消息 331 荣誉分数 3 声望点数 128 2008-10-12 #399 photos from Gatineau Park Went to Gatineau Park today. I'd like to share some photos with you. 附件 GAT 10-12-2008 8-35-47 AM.JPG 155.6 KB · 查看: 80 GAT 10-12-2008 10-08-34 AM.JPG 161 KB · 查看: 85 GAT 10-12-2008 10-16-59 AM.JPG 154.3 KB · 查看: 80 GAT 10-12-2008 10-18-21 AM.JPG 160.2 KB · 查看: 82 GAT 10-12-2008 12-07-08 PM.JPG 132.6 KB · 查看: 83
W2W Whatever 注册 2008-03-20 消息 209 荣誉分数 9 声望点数 18 所在地 Wherever 2008-10-12 #400 I went to Gartineau Park too,it was crazy,the route to the lookouts was closed because of too many cars...could only go to some other places to shot from bottom to top... 附件 pic1.jpg 108.6 KB · 查看: 81 pic2.JPG 104.8 KB · 查看: 86 pic3.jpg 39.8 KB · 查看: 80 pic4.jpg 59.4 KB · 查看: 79
I went to Gartineau Park too,it was crazy,the route to the lookouts was closed because of too many cars...could only go to some other places to shot from bottom to top...
walkley road 资深人士 VIP 注册 2005-08-16 消息 1,694 荣誉分数 88 声望点数 208 2008-10-12 #401 王教练终于现身了,您这一向可好啊?明天一起去聚聚吧?据说有酱肘子。。。
walkley road 资深人士 VIP 注册 2005-08-16 消息 1,694 荣誉分数 88 声望点数 208 2008-10-12 #402 秋天里的动物 附件 1.jpg 184.6 KB · 查看: 80 2.jpg 77.9 KB · 查看: 80 3.jpg 148.2 KB · 查看: 79 6.jpg 162.5 KB · 查看: 80
W2W Whatever 注册 2008-03-20 消息 209 荣誉分数 9 声望点数 18 所在地 Wherever 2008-10-12 #404 walkley road 说: W2W那张叶子拍得可真漂亮。 点击展开... The light condition and water shape were perfect at that moment,unfortunately the leave is not... You went to Omega on your way back? hehe...see u tomorrow captain.
walkley road 说: W2W那张叶子拍得可真漂亮。 点击展开... The light condition and water shape were perfect at that moment,unfortunately the leave is not... You went to Omega on your way back? hehe...see u tomorrow captain.
W2W Whatever 注册 2008-03-20 消息 209 荣誉分数 9 声望点数 18 所在地 Wherever 2008-10-12 #405 walkley road 说: W2W那张叶子拍得可真漂亮。 点击展开... Just to show you some colors cc too,hehe...