
看了CBC,连摄影角度都不对,解说就更别提了!想看看水平高的转播。到NBC网上被挡了,加拿大IP不让看。电视只有NBC波士顿和西雅图台,没看到他们的转播。:crying::crying::crying: 你是咋看到NBC的啊?先谢谢了!



网友:开幕式CCTV摄像和导播水平实在太差了!凯迪网络 作者: 匿名 2008-08-09 22:19:15 聚精会神看了昨晚的开幕式,总体感觉还不错,但CCTV的摄像和导播水平实在太差了!



Let me tell you all I want to say - I won't leave without speaking out those sh*t - otherwise I'll die!

Canada is the most hypocritical jerk country in this world - I translated some posts from Internet to some of my colleagues during Lhasa riot - I told them if they really want to see a "free" and "independent" Tibet (actually I told them it's not called Tibet - it's called Xizang in stead) - just ask Canada Gov. to send troops to Tibet to free and liberate Tibet immediately or throw nuclear bombs to China and Tiananmen square and kill all those communists immediately ;-) and thus bring "human rights" and "democracy" and "peace" and "justice" to Tibet and China immediately! and thus save the world peace! And show Canada's "National pride" and "ethic value" (And I told them before sending troops to Tibet, No need to ask opinion from 1.3 billion Chinese people and Communist China Gov. at all! Seriously!)

And I told them to suggest Canada Gov. to stop sending troops to Afghanistan - it's actually a shame to Canada - those Canada troops protected by US troops but still get killed every day by ridiculous reason - how formidable the Canada troops is! lol - now it's time for Canada to send troops to China to protect Tibetan culture and heritage and reserve and restore the Human rights and democracy in Tibet! and just make Tibet independent! just liberate Tibet from China!!! go ahead bravely Canada!

Also, when I see that stupid jerk called "DaShan" on CBC - I really felt sick on what he said - he blasted that his country Canada has "very good image" in Chinese people - actually on the contrary - all the truth is that more and more Chinese people begin to know that sucker Canada is the biggest supporter to His Holly Sh*t Dalai Lama and most of people in Canada are jerks that hostile to Chinese and China - I keep telling those Canada suckers - if they hate communist China and Chinese people so much - just stop yelling like a bitch and start doing something! Be a man! - talking is so cheap! Start to do something to China please, Mr. Canada, show your guts to China and stop the "evil" communist!!! lol

Why Chinese embassy keeps giving visa to the jerk "Dashan"? he is not there for friendship! why China doesn't suspect "Dashan" as a spy like the way Canada gov. suspects most of Chinese people in Canada are spy?

Next time when you see the jerk "Dashan" - ask him who he thinks he is?! and who Canada cock suckers think they are? we don't owe you Canada suckers! and stop looking down to China and Chinese people and stop being hypocritical jerks!

Chinese people, it's time to forget about Dr. Bethune! and fortunately - most of Canadians don't know who Bethune is - which is a good thing for China. And Actually Chinese people should remember - Dr. Bethune was dispatched to China by American/U.S. Communist Party - he lived and worked in U.S. lastly before he went to China and died in China - he was an American actually!

Before Tony Blair retired from GBR PM position - someone called him a dog of President Bush - actually people forget Canada is actually the biggest running dog of U.S ;-), like this time, President Bush went to China for watching Olympics, but he left "his dog" at home and that dog feels lonely so it keeps barking "human rights" and "pollution in Beijing" and "drugs" now.

I said all above just simply because I really had enough sh*t when watching stupid jerk CBC and CTV and those bastard and bitch hosts! If I don't speak out this sh*t today! I surely will die! - besides those White suckers, I saw a brown skin indian-canada jerk - he even look down to Chinese people and fooling those Chinese pedestrians who can't speak English on the street - but as an educated and nice Chinese, I won't call him Nigg*r or untouchables or pariah!

And I also saw an ugly CBC host woman like a skinny female monkey called herself as "Chinese descent", she sucks like a professional cock sucker! ... I'd like ask her if I met her - how much do I pay for a suck, Miss or Mrs. Canada? and are you HIV positive? - I gotta know before you suck - She calls herself a "Chinese descent" which makes me really sick - I'll not going to share the pride name Chinese and China with a Canada monkey, this is for sure!

Lastly, I'm very confused why those Canada suckers still appear themselves in Olympics in Beijing? - if they are concerned so much about human rights and pollution? I thought Canada's job was to boycott Beijing Olympics instead of sending a bunch of pansy over China my country?

And Mr. Canada, now it's your turn! Can Chinese people and Communist China gov. boycott your Vancouver Olympics in 2010? - we demand and urge and order Canada to respect Human rights for all aboriginal people! and respect the native people and their culture! Did you hear the voice from Chinese people and our cousin - the aboriginal people?!

Bravo! Canada! I love this country! - Note, I didn't say Canada was the country of mad cow and HIV and hypocrite.
Canada is a very very SICK country. That's all.

Want to know what I did today?

I bought a T-shirt from byward market. It says" O Canada, your home on native land!" I love it and am going to wear it!

Canadians are obsessive with Tibet and so called " China's human rights issue". Fine, but let us talk about your Canadian human rights issue first. Look at what your white sh*t did to the natives.

Free Tibet? Why not we free Quebec first!

Still can't forget Tiananmen in 1989? Then pls remember your own " October Crisis".