just checked the web site of carleton school board,the indoor season will begin next month,and u should submit the application form 2 weeks before season begin,
i just check the number of players willing to join our team,it is around 7-8 people and it is too few to setup a team,usually we need 12 at least,then if somebody miss the game,we can still play 4 by 4 ,2 sub.
anyway,if any player wanna join us,pls post your reply asap,if the number is larger than 12,i will submit the form right away.if the number is less than 12,the mission of setting up a team is failed .
as to the court,i prefer to choose the high school of "earl of march" because i have player there before.
by the way,the cost for 7 months ,two hours a week is over 1000 cad for a team,