S s007 知名会员 注册 2005-05-31 消息 185 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 128 2008-09-29 #46 Thanks W2W 附件 vball.gif 80.2 KB · 查看: 149
angel_fly_fly 新手上路 注册 2007-07-05 消息 455 荣誉分数 7 声望点数 0 2008-09-30 #47 In this case, then both hands and feet Anyway, even I fall off, you will wait for me~~ wait for angel 说: 搞定喽。。。 (两个支持算双手吧?) 点击展开...
In this case, then both hands and feet Anyway, even I fall off, you will wait for me~~ wait for angel 说: 搞定喽。。。 (两个支持算双手吧?) 点击展开...
W2W Whatever 注册 2008-03-20 消息 209 荣誉分数 9 声望点数 18 所在地 Wherever 2008-10-02 #50 Parking and entrance map has been added to group File. Need volunteers to arrive around at 5:30pm to setup poles and net with me! See you tomorrow!
Parking and entrance map has been added to group File. Need volunteers to arrive around at 5:30pm to setup poles and net with me! See you tomorrow!
angel_fly_fly 新手上路 注册 2007-07-05 消息 455 荣誉分数 7 声望点数 0 2008-10-03 #51 I wish I could help!!! See you tomorrow~~ W2W 说: Parking and entrance map has been added to group File. Need volunteers to arrive around at 5:30pm to setup poles and net with me! See you tomorrow! 点击展开...
I wish I could help!!! See you tomorrow~~ W2W 说: Parking and entrance map has been added to group File. Need volunteers to arrive around at 5:30pm to setup poles and net with me! See you tomorrow! 点击展开...
wait for angel 知名会员 VIP 注册 2005-05-12 消息 707 荣誉分数 33 声望点数 188 2008-10-03 #52 angel_fly_fly 说: See you tomorrow~~ 点击展开... 这么晚了也不睡觉。。。。
angel_fly_fly 新手上路 注册 2007-07-05 消息 455 荣誉分数 7 声望点数 0 2008-10-03 #53 I got 60 copies of assignment to mark~~ I still need to work on it tonight after back from our volleyball session... wait for angel 说: 这么晚了也不睡觉。。。。 点击展开...
I got 60 copies of assignment to mark~~ I still need to work on it tonight after back from our volleyball session... wait for angel 说: 这么晚了也不睡觉。。。。 点击展开...
wait for angel 知名会员 VIP 注册 2005-05-12 消息 707 荣誉分数 33 声望点数 188 2008-10-12 #54 已经在咱们的主场地打过两次球了。很开心,时间总是过得飞快。上个礼拜五Sherry还带了亲手做的热腾腾的包子。好吃极了。 为什么一个星期只有一个星期五呢?要是每天都是星期五就好了。。。
L Little Z 新手上路 注册 2008-10-13 消息 3 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2008-10-13 #55 我倒没有你的想法,我想的是:要是天天都有包子吃譔多好呀~~ 嘿嘿~~ (声明一下:我不是属猫的) ----angle_fly_fly(不知怎么的,我的帐号用不了了,login后除了看贴什么都做不了)