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LS 果然是高人啊,基本被你都说全了。:cool:
2。浇水的时候水开太大了,缝缝里的沙带着胶水流到paver表面,湿的时候看不出来,干了以后发现彩色的石头变成了白乎乎的一片,郁闷的不行。最后补救的方法是花了近$100买了两桶Techniseal的stone cleanser把石头全部刷了两遍,才恢复石头的原貌。下次知道了,蓬头要调到mist一挡来浇水,不能操之过急。

1. 铺砖之前的Stone Dust一般是1 1/2".
2. 铺砖之后,将polymeric沙子撒上,再开始震动。这样能够确保沙子填满所有的空间。InterLock完全是靠沙子”lock“的。
浇水的时候水开太大了,缝缝里的沙带着胶水流到paver表面,湿的时候看不出来,干了以后发现彩色的石头变成了白乎乎的一片,郁闷的不行。最后补救的方法是花了近$100买了两桶Techniseal的stone cleanser把石头全部刷了两遍,才恢复石头的原貌。下次知道了,蓬头要调到mist一挡来浇水,不能操之过急。
Stone dust 是1.5"
请问GRAVEL 需要多厚。还有高手们都在哪买石头和其他材料。
~6". Moodie(Hunter Club南)上有一家,石头的价格挺好。Crushed Stone 就不知道了。
以下是我保留的别人发在Nortel News Group的帖子。我就是基本照着做,不过因为不是车道,所以我只挖了8,9"深。

I put myself through university doing interlock, working for a big
landscaping company during the week and doing it myself on the weekends
with my brothers. My brother still does it during the summer and I do it
as needed at my house. I've probably personally layed over 300,00 square
feet of it myself (55,000 sq ft parking lot at St Lawrent shopping
center one month in 1986)

It is hard work, but certainly doable. For 150 sq ft, you would need
about 6 tons of 3/4 " crushed stone and 1.5 tons of stonedust, both of
these you can have delivered. The expected traffic on the stone and the
properties of the existing soil will dictate how much base you need, but
typically you would need to dig the area out about 10 inches below the
desired level of the finished stone. You then put crushed stone down,
packing it as you go. The packed surface of the crushed stone should be
about 3.5 inches below the desired level of the finished stone. At this
point the stone dust goes down. We use 1.5 inch pipes laid out level, 2
inches below the finished level to prepare a perfect level of stone
dust. You set the pipes, fill in between with stone dust and drag a 2x4
across the pipes to get a perfect grade. The pipes come out and these
holes are hand graded. Tie up the dog and kids so they don't walk on it
until the brick is down. Now you're ready for the brick... the brick
goes directly on the unpacked stonedust, starting in a corner with a
wall as a guide or a string. The best way to cut the bricks is with a
diamond saw. When all the brick is down, the edges need to be secured,
topsoil works well. Washed concrete sand is then spread evenly over the
brick, to fill and "lock" the bricks together. A vibrating compactor is
then passed over the entire surface to pack the unpacked stonedust.
There is a cement type product that can be swept over the surface to
fill the cracks as well although I've never used it.

Base preparation and proper level is key for longevity. Straight lines,
clean cuts, smooth curves (if applicable) make the difference between an
ok job and a great job.

You can easily rent all of the equipment required, You can have the
interlock/gravel delivered. You would need to have access to a trailer
to pick up equipment etc. Or you can have someone else do it.

Hope it helps !!


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规则肯定是有,但一般看不出来。:D 卖石头的地方会给你一些图片让你选择,不同的图案,各种尺寸的石头的比例不同。
规则肯定是有,但一般看不出来。:D 卖石头的地方会给你一些图片让你选择,不同的图案,各种尺寸的石头的比例不同。

看不出来的就是random pattern了...;)