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版主说的有道理,我的房子客厅是基本上方形的.估计当时壁炉是墙角45度的, 所以就顺势做成45度的了.
it is like this




第一行的安装要注意取直,用1-1/2 deck screw固定,钉距在8寸左右,尽量靠近墙边。四周距墙保持1/23/4寸,地板的接点距墙最好大于2尺。其实,地板安装唯一要注意也就是留足膨胀缝隙,可就这么个简单要求,还经常出事,造成地板起鼓。提前把房间的尺寸量一下,做之前规划好,别偷懒就不会出岔。
couple of comments:
1 1/2 deck screw for the first course? are you sure ? for hw floor, use nail gun for the first course on the face of the board and on the tongue of the other couple of courses until you can use the regular floor nailer/stapler. use the special putty with maching color to patch the holes on the finished surface afterwards.

also 1/2 to 3/4 inch is way too much gap, you will not be able to cover it up with the baseboard/quarter round unless you use the bigger profile ones. as long as you open up the package 72 hours and leave it in your house prior to installation, the boards are fine. 1/4 inch is more than enough

45 degree is not recommended: 1, no room are square, for the same reason, no room are perfectly 45 degree. you will have hard time at the corners. 2, i saw your miter saw pic, it is not that powerful for this kind of job- it is okay for plumb cut with a new fine teeth blade, but not for miter cut. when you use that to cut your 45, the blade will drag the piece into it and most likely you will get a curvy cut rather than a straight one. I use a bosch 12" 15 amp miter, around 700 bucks, still have hard time sometimes when the wood is hard or in a funny angle.

last, make an estimation of how many courses you need to finish a room, do not wait till the end of the job and you find that you need some 1/8" pieces to cover up. thin pcs are really hard to cut with a table saw.

hope that helps
Nice Opinion

看不太懂,但感觉很好的opinion. Nothing I can do but 给您加声望!

couple of comments:
1 1/2 deck screw for the first course? are you sure ? for hw floor, use nail gun for the first course on the face of the board and on the tongue of the other couple of courses until you can use the regular floor nailer/stapler. use the special putty with maching color to patch the holes on the finished surface afterwards.

also 1/2 to 3/4 inch is way too much gap, you will not be able to cover it up with the baseboard/quarter round unless you use the bigger profile ones. as long as you open up the package 72 hours and leave it in your house prior to installation, the boards are fine. 1/4 inch is more than enough

45 degree is not recommended: 1, no room are square, for the same reason, no room are perfectly 45 degree. you will have hard time at the corners. 2, i saw your miter saw pic, it is not that powerful for this kind of job- it is okay for plumb cut with a new fine teeth blade, but not for miter cut. when you use that to cut your 45, the blade will drag the piece into it and most likely you will get a curvy cut rather than a straight one. I use a bosch 12" 15 amp miter, around 700 bucks, still have hard time sometimes when the wood is hard or in a funny angle.

last, make an estimation of how many courses you need to finish a room, do not wait till the end of the job and you find that you need some 1/8" pieces to cover up. thin pcs are really hard to cut with a table saw.

hope that helps

1)Builder/Contractor 也许用你说的方法,优点是快捷简单,但容易出问题。象Stevey 说的,应该加胶会好一些。用螺丝钉要牢固的多,而且不需要胶,缺点是耽误时间。你需要先用不同尺寸(螺丝的尺寸和螺丝帽尺寸)的钻头在地板上打好眼,尽量靠近墙的那一边,一般情况下Baseboard and quarter能覆盖上,这样就不需要处理螺丝钉留下的瑕疵了。


3) 楼上两间不是很大的工作室和走廊准备采用45度安装。我觉得房间方不方的没什么,地板也不一定要cut45度,因地制宜就可以了。小瞧我的Mitre saw了,嘿嘿。照片可能看不太清楚,那是10” 15amp,理论上讲,比你那个要有劲。你那个有点小马拉大车的感觉,因为12”的blade对于15amp的电机来说费点劲。你那个之所以贵,是因为可以做更宽的板材,Cut更加精准,电机的寿命更长,用起来更加顺手,但不一定有劲。另外,bosch 这个牌子也得不少银子。我曾用我的Mitre saw cut 2X4 和2X6用于built shed,Cut Map hard wood 1X3和1X6用于写字台和cabinet door。还没掉过链子,嘿嘿。

铺地板前先加固一下subfloor,省着以后吱吱呀呀地叫。用1寸半的floor screw。


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第一行1-1/2 floor screw固定。


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从第二行开始,我们开始用flooring stapler,用气泵驱动。注意要让地板“亲密无间”,嘿嘿。


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