


但是这样的时间表平常肌肉总是处于有些疼痛的状态, 而且几个不常用到的肌肉群一疼就是疼一周(虽然不是很影响锻炼)。

平常也注意饮食, 身上还是不少肥肉。

是不是我的schedule有什么问题? 还是说摄入脂肪过多, 蛋白质不够? 这练了这么久了还是没有想象中的效果啊 =(

健身是一辈子的事, 小单位是按月计, 中单位按季计,大单位按年计, 那是急不来的。而且个人遗传体质不同,在同样的计划,饮食下,每个人效果也不同。

不妨试一下,这段时间可以增加有氧, 一周只做两次器械,每次60分钟, 当然加上辅助锻炼基本就是两个小时了。

你那个“射入脂肪”挺吓人的:eek: 因为据说有人为了美, 确实射入脂肪填充。



多谢楼上, 最近会增加有氧运动尝试一下, 还有之后的strech
if you are talking about the abs muscles, it will take at least 6 weeks of hard work to see the effect... At least that was my experience. Keep going and don't give up, you will be rewarded.
Ok, so if I understood correctly, you want lean muscles right?

There are different ways of building muscles and with different ways, there are different results. If you want lean muscles, you have to use light weights (80% of your max), go for more reps (13+), more series (6+) and try to be explosive (doing your reps as fast as you can). Try to not get too much pause during each serie and finish it off with some cardio and protein.

Getting muscles is one thing, but keeping them is another. Here's the catch, the bigger your muscles are, the more calories you burn (even when you are sleeping). So, the con with lean muscles is that you have to do cardio often to keep them lean or they will get fat. So you have to watch out about what you eat and run often.

I hope this helps.
我想问问rowing machine如何能练得更持久点啊,一般3,5分钟,我的2个胳膊就累得不行了
30minutes treadmill
3-5 minutes rowing
15 minutes cycling
我想问问rowing machine如何能练得更持久点啊,一般3,5分钟,我的2个胳膊就累得不行了
30minutes treadmill
3-5 minutes rowing
15 minutes cycling

Besides running and swimming, I rarely use anyother cardio machines so I can't really help you with that.

My training is something like this:
10 mins running from home to gym
2 hours of weights lifting
1 hour of swimming
10 mins running from gym to home
Besides running and swimming, I rarely use anyother cardio machines so I can't really help you with that.

My training is something like this:
10 mins running from home to gym
2 hours of weights lifting
1 hour of swimming
10 mins running from gym to home

That eats away almost all our free time, lol.

Quoting the above comment of training for 6 weeks, I haven't been able to obtain lean abs after a year of keeping up going to the gym 2-3 times per week.

Anyhow, more different ways to go, thanks.
That eats away almost all our free time, lol.

Quoting the above comment of training for 6 weeks, I haven't been able to obtain lean abs after a year of keeping up going to the gym 2-3 times per week.

Anyhow, more different ways to go, thanks.

Ya that's just me cause I'm doing power trainings.
And just curious, what ab exercises are you doing?

I normally do
200 situps
50 crunches with 70 lb
50 declined crunches with 45 lb (hard to explain in words, basicly just crunches but declined like when you doing declined bench)
Repeat 3 times

I do all that in 15 mins.
I just do that thing that they have in CU gym 150lbs, 10 rep, 3 sets.

My usual time in the gym is 30-45mins so I can't devote that much time to just one part.
Ya that's just me cause I'm doing power trainings.
And just curious, what ab exercises are you doing?

I normally do
200 situps
50 crunches with 70 lb
50 declined crunches with 45 lb (hard to explain in words, basicly just crunches but declined like when you doing declined bench)
Repeat 3 times

I do all that in 15 mins.

You are hardcore... I try to use only the body weight: push-ups, chip-ups, rope skipping, frog jump, etc. They work well too and less likely to get injured.

BTW, any good neck mucle exercises to share?
You are hardcore... I try to use only the body weight: push-ups, chip-ups, rope skipping, frog jump, etc. They work well too and less likely to get injured.

BTW, any good neck mucle exercises to share?

No... I haven't heard or find any good neck exercises other than just moving your head...

But I lift weights with my trapezius muscles, 210 lbs, it works the neck a little bit.

As for your body weight exercises, here are some good ones.

box jumping (jump on a higher level)
1 hand push-ups
push-ups on a ball, not half, full ball (curved surface, works pecs and abs)
hand stand push-ups (push-ups with your head down, feet in air, works your shoulders and abs)
Punching (punch very fast and explosive, works your shoulders and pecs)
Superman (I don't really know how you call this but just lay on a flat surface stomac down and do the superman, works your back)

There isn't any good ways to work your legs without weights (even box jumping we normally use weights) since your legs are the largest muscles on your body and your body weight isn't enough to give them a work out. So good luck with that.

Hope this helped.

Oh I forgot to mention, for those people who don't want to use weights, Swimming is the best way to go. It will not only work all of your muscles, but the water will also shape your body (in a good way), it will work your lungs and for some people, there are women half naked.
哈哈 :-)

... Swimming is the best way to go.... for some people, there are women half naked.