school time and map /direction are listed on the website.
we are at 东校 - 704 Carson's Rd
Clubs are usually open from 9:30AM to 11:30 AM whenever chinese school is open, except there is tournamentship match using the GYM, usually twice a year.
Carson's Rd is close to Montreal Road and not really in Orleans though... Is there any place we can go together to play badminton in Orleans, I mean Orleans...Thanks a lot...
好啊,加拿大的好处就是有很多的机会锻炼身体。不象国内,整天扎在酒堆里,再好的身体也垮掉了。来加拿大后我的胃病不治而愈了. 我也没那么在行,一些帖子都是唬人的,吸引同好的。如果我说是校队的, 那来了一帮校队的,场上哪还有我的位子啊, 只好倒回去当球童捡球了.他可没你那么在行, 就足球曾经是系队后的, 其他只是随便玩玩的.