一间卧室(在一个two bedroom Apt)出租

最初由 猫猫-噢 发布

噢,原来是你啊,呵呵!!;) :cool:
哈哈,原来你们认识呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :cool: :cool: 其实是我用他的号发的!!!!!!!!!!!:p : ;)
最初由 阿明 发布

:blowzy: :blowzy: :blowzy:
最初由 foolpan 发布
why do you have sex discrimination?
I am new here and I had no friends here before...
I am living in a spanish-speaking family!
:crying: :crying: :crying:

There is no such thing as sex discrimination. First because we are renting a girl's room,second we think that it is easier for boys and girls to live together, because there will be less problems and thirdly, girls are more clean than boys basicaly.
that's why we rather have a girl roommate.
This room has been rented for three month, and it will become available on august 1st. If you are interested, please contact me at 291-8132
啊?已经租出去了,来晚了一步,pity! 我的好朋友要从国内来OU读书了,拜托我帮她找房子。正好我也住180,但是我从小就习惯一个人住,所以不想有个roommate.如果能租到你的那间房就太完美了,我和我的朋友就能离得很近,方便照应。平时她肯定都会在我这里玩,就是晚上回去睡个觉,所以就算和男生合租也不会有什么太多不便。可惜可惜!
The room will become available again on august 1st.
if your friend is coming at august, we may consider renting her the room

最初由 porky 发布
啊?已经租出去了,来晚了一步,pity! 我的好朋友要从国内来OU读书了,拜托我帮她找房子。正好我也住180,但是我从小就习惯一个人住,所以不想有个roommate.如果能租到你的那间房就太完美了,我和我的朋友就能离得很近,方便照应。平时她肯定都会在我这里玩,就是晚上回去睡个觉,所以就算和男生合租也不会有什么太多不便。可惜可惜!
可惜可惜!我都帮你可惜!:blink: :blink: :blink: