
NND信不信俺把iPhone 掉水里捞出来拿吹风机那么吹了半小时然后埋大米里一天。。。嘿。。。救活啦!!!。。。省了750刀啊。。。嘿嘿嘿。。。:D:D:D




方小鸿正求之不得,不敢相信风水倒转桃花运居然来到眼前了,心里恨不得跪在地上给上帝磕一个头感激天上的冥冥之手相助,马上殷勤的跟孙太太换了座位,坐到陶小姐和苏小姐中间 --- 倒圆了他事先幻想的左拥右抱的梦。

陶小姐和苏小姐一起翻了一下眼皮,不约而同的把两个人的手包都放在跟方小鸿中间的空隙上,好像在座位中间竖起了一座篱笆 --- 虽然不坚固,警告作用还是有的。

方小鸿回头看到孙太太肥胖的身体挤到两个万吨巨轮中间坐下,三个人把座位塞得满满,像是三个万吨巨轮并排停泊在一个窄小的港口,把港口全给堵塞住 ---- 倒是谁也不吃亏也不占便宜。孙太太看着很受用的样子,想必是平时跟豆芽先生没有这么亲密的挤过 ,她的腰身是豆芽孙的五倍,只怕是豆芽孙两只胳膊圈成圈都围拢不过来。只是豆芽孙看到那两个400磅的男人把孙太太给夹在中间,三个重量级日本相扑选手亲密无间肌肤相亲的挤在一起,眼里要冒出火来。

方小鸿见了苏小姐一脸警觉的盯着他,好像在警告他最好老老实实坐在中间,不许乱说乱动的样子,就赶紧调整了一下眼神,脸上浮现出大江东去浪淘尽千古风流人物的神态,没话找话的说:“你刚才那个二指禅怎么那么劲儿大啊,我能不能跟你掰个腕子,看看你到底多大劲儿?”苏小姐爽快的伸出胳膊,说:“来吧。”方小鸿侧过身,把胳膊伸出来,握住苏小姐的手,拿出壮志饥餐胡虏肉笑谈渴饮匈奴血的劲头儿,想先下手为强把苏小姐的胳膊给压下去,却只觉得一把大铁钳紧紧的把他的手给夹住,竟动弹不得。苏小姐只轻轻的一拧腕子,就把方小鸿的手给压到了两个人中间的篱笆上。方小鸿只好把事先准备好的得胜后的仰天长啸的神情收起来,赶紧告饶说:“服了服了,你真劲儿大。”苏小姐送开了方小鸿的手,把手攥成一个拳头,向着方小鸿的脑袋比划着说:“你要是敢把脑袋往我这边靠,我就这样给你一下。”方小鸿陪着笑说:“岂敢岂敢。”心里想,靠,众里寻他千百度慕然回首那人却是柔道高手 --- 往右靠看样子是不行了,赶紧转向吧,俗话说的好,莫愁前路无知己, 极品不会没人理,陶小姐这边说不定能来个日出浆花红胜火,一支红杏出墙来。

很好奇你知道EROTIC STORIES是啥啊?:rolleyes:


好奇一下, 你奶奶是不是加拿大公民? 若干年前学雷锋时, 碰到过一个老太太...向俺介绍孙女如何不好管理...
the whole point of teaching english in a foreign country is to experience the culture of different countries, which is why i took a job in Thailand. During the spring break for the school, a group of the foreign teachers decided to go down to Koh Samui, a large island surrounded by lots of small island, which is said to have one of the world's most beautiful beaches. it was just as i've imagined it, sun, beautiful view of the ocean from our hotel, and a private beach that looks out towards a small island by the name of koh tao. once we've arrived there, a group of us younger teachers found out that there was a party at koh tao every full moon and we were about to have one the next day. so, ofcourse we decided to experience this crazy party, and loaded up with booze we took a boat to koh tao and waited till dark, when the party truely begins.

it sure was a party alright! the music was booming and the island was packed. we met up with a group of surfers from all over the world who were there for a compitition but came down especially for the party on koh tao. soon all the girls surrounds these surfers with beautiful bodies and cool stories while the guys go find "fresh meat" in the other crowd of drunk girls. i've been quite busy ever since i got to thailand, with all the adjustment both personally and professionally, i hadn't had a private life since i've landed. with trying to find a decent place to live and getting used to the curriculum at school, i didn't have a chance of meeting any guys and having a relationship. this break is just my ticket of getting some action, and not a minute too soon!

after a few drinks, i've really started to loosen up, and before i know it, i'm chatting with this gorgeous blond Aussie surfer named Ethan. he has just graduated from UTS and is taking a break before getting a job back home. we were chatting a drinking happily while half listening to the music, and maybe it was the atmosphere or the mohitos our friends keep on bring by, but before we knew it, we were making out in the sand ditch. i didn't know if it was the drinks or the presence of the guy in front of me, but the kiss made me dizzy and out of breath, and i think he had similar reaction since i could feel his breath on me, and his bodyheat that surrounds me and it makes me tremble just a bit.