


Nice guys finish last thats,
Why I'll treat you like trash it's,
Not what I really want to do.
But you only date bad guys so,
I'll give it my best try to,
Treat you the way you want me to.

I never open the door,
Or pull out a chair
You can tell me how your day was but I don't really care.
And if you ever get cold,
You'll just have to hack it.
'Cause I'd be cold too if I gave you my jacket!
Like woah!
You ain't sittin' up front!
Front is for the homies,
You can sit in the trunk!
I never answer my phone,
Whenever you call it,
And when the waiter brings the bill I never reach for
my wallet!

Nice guys finish last thats,
Why I'll treat you like trash,
Its' not what I really want to do.
But you only date bad guys,
So I'll give it my best try to,
Treat you the way you want me to.

And Imma beat you,
In every competition!
Goin' out with the girls?
You better get my permission!
Wait no, I take that back you can't go.
House is on tonight and that's my favorite show!
"Do I look fat in this dress?"
Hell yeah you do!
Wait let me speak your language,
Cows go mo!

Nice guys finish last thats,
Why I'll treat you like trash it's,
Not what I really want to do.
But you only date bad guys so,
I'll give it my best try to,
Treat you the way you want me to!
But behind the scenes,
She means the world to me!
I wanna tell her thats she's beautiful,
And show her that she's loved!
Hold her hand when shes scared,
Tell her how much I care,
But that won't win her heart because,
Nice guys finish last thats,
Why I'll treat you like trash it's,
Not what I really want to do!
You only date bad guys so,
I'll give it my best try to,
Treat you the way you want me to!

除了学习不好,考医学院无望:(,其他都还可以 。。。:D