来自 http://general.dale.nhcue.edu.tw/ld-famous/Cruise.htm
湯姆.克魯斯(Tom Cruise),是好萊塢的紅星,卻也是位閱讀障礙者,他曾說:「雖然我是天生的左撇子,但卻被強迫用右手,我常常將字寫顛倒,而閱讀對我來說是如此的困難,我不得不在特教班上課,覺得大家都當我是笨蛋,羞恥極了。」
湯姆克魯斯(Tom Cruise)出身平凡、甚至從平凡變為貧窮,但他發跡的故事卻充滿勵志色彩。他曾因父親工作不穩定,不停搬家,在求學時代換過15所學校,因為頻繁的轉學讓他的閱讀障礙始終沒被鑑定出來,師長總把他趕不上課程進度的問題,歸因於是初來乍到的新同學,因此並沒有為他提供應有的補救教學。他對自己閱讀障礙的形容是:「我必須訓練自己集中注意力,演講時我要靠我的想像力來架構我的演說內容。」,又因家暴、閱讀障礙、校園霸凌等失去自信,但卻在戲劇表演,察覺自己對表演的熱愛,找到自己的一片天空。
湯姆克魯斯童年的家庭生活不快樂,學校生活也很慘。他在班上的課業成績不佳,備受歧視,但原因其實出在他有閱讀障礙,會把字母搞混、閱讀速度很慢、連字典都不知從何查起,幸好他的母親受過特教訓練,針對其閱讀困難的症狀,負起教育的責任。上了高中後,他一度迷上摔角與踢足球,後來因膝蓋受傷不得不放棄,轉而參與戲劇演出,沒想到因此開始對自己有信心。19歲那年他參加試鏡,演出生平第一部電影「無盡的愛」(Endless Love),從此人生漸由黑白轉為彩色。
还是没明白。。。什么是duang,成龙的头发看着挺正常的啊。那个头发 duang~~~
谢谢今天,原来真是在渥太华上过中学,是上得Robert Hopkins Public School f 和Henry Munro Middle School. 不过好像都没听说过这两所学校。他一定还有渥太华的朋友。Cruise's family spent part of his childhood in Canada. They moved to the Ottawa suburb of Beacon Hill in late 1971 so that Cruise's father could take a position as a defense consultant with the Canadian Armed Forces.[15] There, Cruise attended the just opened Robert Hopkins Public School for much of grade four as well as grade five.[15][16] In grade four, Cruise first became involved in drama, under the tutelage of George Steinburg. Cruise and six other boys put on an improvised play to music called IT at the Carleton Elementary School drama festival.[15] Drama organizer Val Wright, who was in the audience that night, reflected that "the movement and improvisation were excellent. It was a classic ensemble piece."[15] Cruise also enjoyed sports at the school including playing floor hockey, though he was known more for his aggression than his talent. For grade six Cruise went to Henry Munro Middle School. However, in the spring of that year Cruise's mother left his father, taking Cruise and his sisters back to the US.[15] His father died of cancer.[17]
20岁留学生恶搞60岁成龙 "duang"为什么这么火?可是“端”是什么意思?我一直就没明白。。。