就你这个做生意的态度,我只能说祝你好运Well, this is best you can do ?
Chrisyxu == 波兰老头 ? This is very 变态 !
Let me know HRV == Increase the ventilation in your basement
and by how much ? HRV is installed in my basement !
Where is your document ?
What's ventilation mean to you ?
bring the fresh air into the house == ventilation ?
Do you have cold air return intalled in the basement ? Please go down to your basement at check it. You may only fund the heat-runs only.
Please making this site a healthy one !
Open the window is a method of naturial ventilation, but how big are your basement windows, and how high they installed.
If you really like to know "radon + house", go down the city's code department, you may learn some thing about soil report which take place event before the permit issuing.
波兰老头 is picky sometimes, but is that good for you as a consumer ? 热狗
Let me know HRV == Increase the ventilation in your basement and by how much ? HRV is installed in my basement !
阿土认为换气就是用外界的新鲜空气置换室内的陈旧空气。What's ventilation mean to you ?
bring the fresh air into the house == ventilation ?
Do you have cold air return intalled in the basement ? Please go down to your basement at check it. You may only fund the heat-runs only.
讨论嘛,都有发表意见的权利,这才是真正的 healthy!Please making this site a healthy one !
原来您不知 HRV 有两条管连室外,这让阿土有点意外。阿土是个门外汉,但也知那是一进一出,其中进气那根就是您期待的 fresh air。您的话还还给您:“ Please go down to your basement and check it ”Hope this is health to you :
" 看看他徒弟的态度大家就应该有个概念了. 呵呵, 好自为之."
" 就你这个做生意的态度,我只能说祝你好运"
Is this 讨论?
Yes, one end is connected to the outside, but the other end connects to ? (the basement ?)
I know HRV连了四条管子, but what are they connects, please read the above artical, there is a section about radon gas and HRV;