• 主题发起人 主题发起人 t7hx9
  • 开始时间 开始时间
一、 氡的发现
1899 年欧文( R.B.Owens )研究钍放射性时 , 发现 220 Rn ; 1900 年道恩 (F.Dorn) 发现 222 Rn 。氡是自然界唯一的天然放射性气体,由镭衰变产生。地表岩石和土壤氡的发射率为 2 × 10 -2 Bq m -2 S -1 。
二、 氡气的性质
氡( Rn )位于元素周期表第Ⅵ周期零族,为惰性气体元素,其化学性质不活泼。 氡气无色无味;比重 : 9.73 克 L -1 ;熔点 : -71 ℃;沸点 : -62 ℃;氡溶于煤油、甲苯、血、水、 CS 2 ;易被脂肪、橡胶、硅胶、活性炭吸附。常温下氡及子体在空气中能形成放射性气溶胶而污染空气。
三、 氡的同位素
氡有 27 种同位素,即 200 Rn- 226 Rn, 其中 225 Rn 未完全确定。最重要的是三个天然放射系中镭的子体 222 Rn(Radon) 、 220 Rn(Thoron) 、 219 Rn(Actinium emanation) 。 222 Rn 的半衰期为 3.82 天, 220 Rn 的半衰期为 55 秒,而 219 Rn 的半衰期不到 4 秒,辐射卫生学意义不大。通常所说的氡指 222 Rn 。在讨论室内氡时以 222 Rn 为主, 220 Rn 次之。
四、 氡的辐射特性
自然界中的氡是由镭衰变产生,是人类所接触到的唯一气体放射性元素。氡的半衰期只有 3.8 天,氡形成后很快衰变并产生一系列放射性产物,最终成为稳定元素铅。以下是 222 Rn 的衰变过程 。
附表 1 天然放射系中氡 (Rn) 同位素的主要辐射特性:
质量数 习用名称 衰变方式 半衰期 粒子能量
(MeV) 限值( Bq m -3 )
工作场所 住宅
219 锕射气 (An) α 3.96s 6.819
220 钍射气 (Tn) α 55.6s 6.288
222 镭射气 (Rn) α 3.824d 5.489 1000 年均 200

表 2 天然放射系中氡及子体的主要辐射特性:
238 U 衰变链 232 Th 衰变链 235 U 衰变链
核素 半衰期 α粒子能量 核素 半衰期 α粒子能量 核素 半衰期 α粒子能量
222 Rn 3.824d 5.49 220 Rn 55.6s 6.29 219 Rn 3.96s 6.12
218 Po 3.04min 6.00 216 Po 0.15s 6.78 215 Po 1.78ms 8.35
214 Pb 26.8min β , γ 212 Pb 10.64h β , γ
214 Bi 19.7min β , γ 212 Bi 60.6min 6.05
214 Po 164 μ s 7.69 6.09 211 Po 0.516s 6.22
210 Po 138.8d 5.30 212 Po 0.30 μ s 8.78

五、 氡的危害
联合国原子辐射效应科学委员会( UNSCEAR )估计, 来自天然的辐射对公众的年有效剂量为 2.4mSv ,其中氡及其子体的贡献占 54% 。
氡对人类的健康影响表现为 确定性效应 (determination effect) 和 随机效应 ( stochastic effect )。确定性效应表现为:在高浓度氡的暴露下,机体出现血细胞的变化如外周血液中红细胞增加,中性白细胞减少,淋巴细胞增多,血管扩张,血压下降,并可见到血凝增加和高血糖。氡对人体脂肪有很高的亲和力,特别是神经系统与氡结合产生痛觉缺失。随机效应主要表现为肿瘤的发生,由于氡是放射性气体,当人们吸入后,氡衰变过程产生的α粒子可在人的呼吸系统造成辐射损伤,诱发肺癌。流行病学研究表明:氡及其衰变子体的吸入是矿工肺癌发病的重要原因。美国估计每年有 7000-10000 例肺癌由于是室内氡所引起的,即除吸烟以 外引起肺癌的第二大因素。荷兰认为由氡引肺癌为交通事故的 2/3 。 在瑞典,氡在所有癌症诱因中排第五位。氡是 ICRP 推荐的慢性照射行动水平具体数据的唯一核素,被 WHO (世界卫生组织)公布为 19 种主要的环境致癌物质之一 。 1987 年氡被国际癌症研究机构列入室内重要致癌物质。不过目前对由居室内氡引起的照射的潜在健康的认识仍然有限。


六、 室内氡的来源
氡是由放射性元素镭衰变产生 , 镭又是由放射性元素铀衰变而来 , 铀起了一个氡的永久源作用。室内氡的主要来源如下 :
1 、 从建材中析出的氡;
2 、 从房基土壤中析出的氡;
3 、 由于通风从户外空气中进入室内的氡;
4、 从供水及用于取暖和厨房设备的天然气中释放出的氡


  ⑴ 改善空气流通状态,经常开窗开门,保持室内空气自然流通,自然通风最高可使室内氡浓度降低约90%。

  ⑵ 安装强迫通风设施(如排风扇),增加室内外空气流通。

  ⑶ 堵塞、密封室内墙面、地板的缝隙和水、电等管理的空隙,在平房和一层楼房间这种方法效果明显。

  ⑷ 覆盖暴露的地基土壤或地板下抽气等。

  ⑸ 若氡主要来自建材,则根据检测情况由防护检测机构提出防护措施。












Do yourself a favor, please following the HRV's 管子(pipes), draw an air follow digrame, you should find it out.

HRV may be helpful for your furnance, and humidity in the house as it claims.

If you don't care about your and your own family health, 阿土, please don't mislead others.

Again, please read OBC's SB-9, which clearly stated how the basement should be constracted when Radon is found.

I think there is enough information here for people in this community, make your own judgement !


非常感谢各位大侠的指导!大家来这个论坛,就是互通有无,增长知识,广交朋友的。 再次感谢!


他除了祥林嫂似的不停的重复OBC's SB-9, 所有贴子基本上没有任何信息量. 个人怀疑他是否真的读过OBC's SB-9. :D

要ZHUANGBILITY, 最好到主论坛而不是这里. :D
根据EPA(US Environmental Protection Agency)的建议,HRV的确是减少RADON的方法之一。。

Consumer'ss Guide to Radon Reduction - How to Fix Your Home

A heat recovery ventilator, or HRV, also called an air-to-air heat exchanger, can be installed to increase ventilation which will help reduce the radon levels in your home. An HRV will increase ventilation by introducing outdoor air while using the heated or cooled air being exhausted to warm or cool the incoming air. HRVs can be designed to ventilate all or part of your home, although they are more effective in reducing radon levels when used to ventilate only the basement. If properly balanced and maintained, they ensure a constant degree of ventilation throughout the year. HRVs also can improve air quality in homes that have other indoor pollutants. There could be significant increase in the heating and cooling costs with an HRV, but not as great as ventilation without heat recovery (see the "Installation and Operating Cost Table").

Limited use; effectiveness limited by radon concentration and the amount of ventilation air available for dilution by the HRV. Best applied to limited-space areas like basements.
KANATA地区的氡气很高,在地下室测试了才5天,测试值就达到了3.8。 请问各位有经验的大侠,采取啥措施能降低氡气含量呢?开窗通气,还有建议吗?

用CITY提供的TESTING KIT再测测,LAB测的比家用的要准确。。


我个人觉得这不是神马大DEAL - all for peace of mind..虽然我当初做了个RADON PROTECTION UPGRADE。。

KANATA地区的氡气很高,在地下室测试了才5天,测试值就达到了3.8。 请问各位有经验的大侠,采取啥措施能降低氡气含量呢?开窗通气,还有建议吗?

用CITY提供的TESTING KIT再测测,LAB测的比家用的要准确。。


我个人觉得这不是神马大DEAL - all for peace of mind..虽然我当初做了个RADON PROTECTION UPGRADE。。


City的这个不准,听home inspector说的。
比较准的radon test kit是从Chalk River出来的,要在家里放6个月,并考虑到开窗关窗等因素。
City的这个不准,听home inspector说的。
比较准的radon test kit是从Chalk River出来的,要在家里放6个月,并考虑到开窗关窗等因素。


一般INSPECTOR做这个测试收费100+,HEALTH CANADA只收几十。。而且HEALTH CANADA正规军的设备不会差。。


Q. How do I test my house for radon?

A. The two most common types of radon detectors used for testing houses are short term and long term detectors. The short term detectors are used for a period of 2-7 days, the long term detectors can be used for a period of 1 to 12 months. Since the radon concentration inside a house varies over time, measurements gathered over a longer period of time will give a more accurate indication of the radon level in a house. Health Canada recommends that houses be tested for a minimum of 3 months, ideally between September and April when windows and doors are typically kept closed.

Long-term radon detectors commonly used are:

•Alpha Track Detection
•Electret Ion Chamber

There are two options for testing a house for radon: one is to purchase a do-it-yourself radon test kit and the other is to hire a radon measurement professional. If you choose to perform the test yourself radon detectors can be purchased over the phone, from the internet or from some home improvement retailers. The radon test kits will include instructions on how to set up the test and send it back to a lab for analysis once the testing period is over. In some cases the lab analysis fees and postage are additional.

If you choose to hire a service provider to perform the radon test in your house we suggest you ask the following questions:

-What type of radon test device do you provide (short term or long term)?
- Are you certified/trained to provide radon measurement services?
- Are you familiar with Health Canada's measurement protocols*?

You can buy the radon gas test kit from Home Depot now, I saw it the other day.

If you are really concerned, I suggest you test it out regardless of the area you live in. Someone (that I know of) who lives in Montreal has a 8+ reading!