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After I replied to a few topics, I decided to start a new topic here.
我的一位同事把渥太华所有的公共网球场列在上面,而且有相当多的本地爱好者playing in their own ladder system.

如果有人感兴趣,we could create our own ladder system for ottawa chinese, if you don't like to play in ladder system created by others.

by the way, you can find me in the web site. I just registered myself today.

ohoh, forgot the web site, http://www.globaltennisnetwork.com
我的一位同事把渥太华所有的公共网球场列在上面,而且有相当多的本地爱好者create their own ladder system.

如果有人感兴趣,we could create our own ladder system for ottawa chinese, if you don't like to play in ladder system created by others.

by the way, you can find me in the web site. I just registered myself today.

ohoh, forgot the web site, http://www.globaltennisnetwork.com

I just created a ladder system "long de chuan ren". you can find it in Ottawa and add yourself into this ladder system, and challenge anybody in this system. if you have a group of people, you can create your own, you don't have to use the one I created, I just give an example here to share this excellent service.
Hi guys, it's really cool, within one hour after I registered myself, I got a challenge from somebody else. can't wait telling my friends...
you don't need to worry about nobody playing with you any more...
I received another challenge...
I am fully booked for this week :banana::banana::banana::banana:
It's amazing we received so many registrants for the first day, in order for players in your area to find you, I suggest you to find tennis courts in Ottawa(there are 94), and click add to favorite, then this court will appear in your tennis courts list, in that way, other players will know which court you are close to, and easier to match...

just 2 simple steps, will make a big difference...

please up this topic when it's moving down, so more players can see this and we have more players to play with...
another note, you have to sign up to one ladder system in order to challenge other players or be challenged. Challenge is only available to player in the same ladder system....
another exciting feature I found from this website is, after you add your favorite court, when you open this court, all other players in favor of this court will show up, and you can challenge them, of course, you have to be in the same ladder as the one you want to challenge...
long de chuan ren ladder is renamed to 龙的传人
到目前为止,已经有十几位球友注册了,八位加入了龙的传人网球联盟,玩的球场从Hull, Kanata, Centrolpoint, Bahaven, Downtown, 到Orleans都有, 我们几个同事利用午饭时间玩,周末也希望跟住所附近不认识的爱好者玩, 暂时还没有接受到挑战的球友不要着急,伴随着加盟的球友越来越多,就有人挑战了,如果有认识的爱好者,请邀请他们加盟。其他已经活动的群组,也欢迎加入这个联盟,因为这个网站的资源是非常好的。

有人感兴趣管理这个联盟吗,因为我太忙了,还有很多计划需要我的时间,多谢。其实也没有多少管理要做,就是花点时间宣传这个联盟给同胞, 算是为华人社区义务劳动吧,目的是帮助所有渥太华华人网球爱好者想玩的时候方便的找到球友。

This is a very good question. 对,这是一个网络联盟,所有比赛都是要自己去找对手,自己更新结果,只有注册加入才能找到其他球友并且挑战他或被挑战。本网络联盟只是提供一个平台,并不负责安排比赛。
I am glad to see more and more players registered and more games have been played, I encourage you to submit the score after your play, so other players could find the close level player to play with, I am not sure how the ladder system works, It's a good idea to start challenging a lower level player, then move on to higher level.

for those haven't find players close to your court, you could try register yourself to other ladders in ottawa, do a search court in ottawa, you will find a few, some are private. you might find something...

have fun...
George and Jinhui目前在龙的传人网球联盟中并列排名第一。