
  1. G

    多功能打印机(你给个价), GPS, MORE...

    多功能打印机(你给个价), GPS, MORE... 613-600-6956
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    Downtown Room (August. Female only)

    $550.00 all in included. Apartment is right on King Edward / Stewart St. It is very clean and spacious. Please contact me if you are interested. Thanks. 613-600-6956
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    Downtown apartment room (Female)

    Downtown apartment room to share with female roommate. $550.00 including all. If you are interested I will send you pic. Thanks. 613-600-6956
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    Downtown Apartment (Female only)

    It is very big one bed room apartment right on the King Edward/ Stewart St. in Downtown Ottawa. (Near OU) $550.00 all included. (No contract needed) You will share with a very clean and a very easy going female. I am sure you will like it if you take a look. Please contact at 613-600-6956 if...
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    Downtown apartment room (Female only)

    It is very big one bed room apartment right on the King Edward/ Setwart St. in Downtown Ottawa. (Near UOttawa) $550.00 all included. (No contract needed) You will share with a very clean and a very easy going female. I am sure you will like it if you take a look. Please contact at...
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    Centre Downtown Ottawa apartment (Female only)

    $550.00 including all. (No contract needed) Very big one bed room apartment in Centre Downtown Ottawa. Bed room or dinning room you can choose to share with a very clean, friendly female. I am sure you will like it if you take a look. Please contact me if you are interested...
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    Centre Downtown Ottawa apartment (Female only)

    $550.00 including all. (No contract needed) Very big one bed room apartment in Centre Downtown Ottawa. Bed room or dinning room you can choose to share with a very clean, friendly female. I am sure you will like it if you take a look. Please contact me if you are interested...
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    Centre Downtown Ottawa apartment (Female only)

    $550.00 including all. (No contract) Very big one bed room apartment in Centre Downtown Ottawa. Bed room or dinning room you can choose to share with a very clean, friendly female. I am sure you will like it if you take a look. Please contact me if you are interested. 613-600-6956 Thanks
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    Female roommate wanted

    $550.00 including all. There is a super clean one bed room apartment in Centre Downtown Ottawa. Bed room or dinning room you can choose to share with a very friendly female. I am sure you will like it if you take a look. Please contact me if you are looking for a room. 613-600-6956 Thanks.
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    找人印A 字广告牌

    找人印A 字广告牌. 谢谢.
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    我想找个地方给我去世的父母烧纸钱, 因为我住的公寓不让烧, 请问哪位知道哪里能烧? 或者哪个寺庙能烧? 谢谢. 613-600-6956
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    卖锁 (门锁)

    新卖的门锁, 因为房管不让换, 所以用不上. 613-600-6956
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    找人搬家 may 27 morning

    找人搬家 may 27 morning. 最好有大Van. 613-600-6956 Thanks.
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    请人搬家. 请联络: 613-600-6956 谢.
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    短租豪华公寓 (面议, 机会)

    豪华公寓 短租 四月, 五月 价格面议, 机会. 地址: 1971 St. Laurent Blvd, Ottawa, K1G 3P8 (Shopping Centre) 若有兴趣请联络: 613-600-6956