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    添块砖,加快瓦。。。 ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 转贴 1.当盘菜     一个人受到信任拥戴,被重用,调离工作时被诚意挽留,评先进 时受到表 彰,他(她)就是被大家当盘菜了。 好菜色香味俱佳。能够在群体中 被人当 盘菜,体现了这个人的价值,必有过人的能力,品行方面自然也比较好,所以 很荣耀, 很值得自豪。 假如人人都能被大家当盘菜的话,那么这 个集体将是攻无不克、战无不 胜的。   2.装灯     这个“装“并非安装,而是指装扮。灯有播洒光明,驱走黑暗的 功能,所以向...
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    手里有一百欧元, 但因为想欢别人的钱,想把它换成20元和10元的,谁知道在哪里可以兑换。 多谢!
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    hotmail msn 昨晚开始总有问题,

    如题. 昨晚开始,好长时间上不去, 然后又总断. 难道和我们的春节有关系? 不会吧!
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    Looking for one bedroom apartment or bachelor in Hull

    My friend is looking for one-bedroom apartment or bachelor in Hull, starting in Feb. 2005. please qqh
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    Looking for one bedroom apartment or bachelor in Hull

    My friend is looking for one bedroom apartment or bachelor in Hull, starting from Feb. 2005., (ideally in Sacre-Coeur 101?) Please qqh
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    Looking for one bedroom apartment or bachelor in Hull

    My friend is looking for a one-bedroom apartment or bachelor in Hull, starting from Feb. 2005. Please qqh.
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    any body can help? thank you very much!
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    help about K3 visa to the US

    any body knows where and how I can: 1. do the medical check here? 2. have the security clearance letter from Canada can i do this in advance? would appreicate your help highly!!!
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    questions about: 申请护照延期

    护照有效期不满六个月可申请延期。过期护照不能办理护照延期手续。申请护照延期须: 1、交验本人所持中国护照以及提供复印件(资料页); 2、填写“中国护照、旅行证、护照延期、加注、加页申请表”一份; 3、交近期正面免冠二寸照片一张(贴在申请表上); 4、提供获准在加拿大工作、学习或居留的证件及复印件; Have question regarding No. 2 and No. 4: No. 2: Can I get the form from embassy? No. 4: I am new immigrant, does that mean I...
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    where to 印 digital photos in Ottawa?

    Pharmacy in Rideau Center has this service. Just wait for 20 minutes, then done
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    the key board of laptop doesn't work

    Hi, experts, I have problem with my lap top's key board, 8-I-K-, this slide doens't function well. when it dosn't work, i beat it, then it works again. but is there any way to repair it? sometimes it is really frustrating. thank you for your help!
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    NEWS: COFI class starts at 9:00am[公告]

    They just decided, so if you are going to study in COFI on Sacre-Coeur, the time should be the same.