
  1. 0


    我要这周五从渥太华搬到多伦多。我可租车自己开或请人搬。家居用品,无家具。你如果有这方面的信息请发email到 michellerandom2000@gmail.com。 谢谢
  2. 0


    BUSI2601 (with study guide) $60 BUSI2208 (with study guide) $70 BUSI3300 $70 PSYC1001&1002 (with CD) $40 ECON2102 (Thrid edition, with study guide) $30 please call 761-0717
  3. 0


    BUSI2601 (with study guide) $60 BUSI2208 (with class notes) $70 BUSI3102 (with class notes) $75 BUSI3300 (with class notes&assignments) $70 PSYC1001&1002 (with CD) $40 ECON2102 $40 please call 761-0717
  4. 0


    Sell:BUSI2601/BUSI2208/BUSI3102/BUSI3300/PSYC1001&1002/ECON2102 BUSI2601 (with study guide) $60 BUSI2208 (with class notes) $70 BUSI3102 (with class notes) $75 BUSI3300 (with class notes&assignments) $70 PSYC1001&1002 (with CD) $40 ECON2102 $40 please call 761-0717
  5. 0


    Sell:BUSI2601/BUSI2208/BUSI3102/BUSI3300/PSYC1001&1002/ECON2102 BUSI2601 (with study guide) $60 BUSI2208 (with class notes) $70 BUSI3102 (with class notes) $75 BUSI3300 (with class notes&assignments) $70 PSYC1001&1002 (with CD) $40 please call 761-0717
  6. 0


    BUSI2601 (with study guide) $60 BUSI2208 (with class notes) $70 BUSI3102 (with class notes) $75 BUSI3300 (with class notes&assignments) $70 PSYC1001&1002 (with CD) $40 ECON2102 (with notes and study guide)...
  7. 0

    卖书[有照片] BUSI4601/BUSI4305/ECON4005/ECON 4002/ECON3601

    我买BUSI4601, 请打电话 761-0717 联系
  8. 0

    <求购>ECON2102/2103with study guide

    我卖此书,请于6PM - 10PM 打一下电话与我联系:761-0717
  9. 0

    BOOKS FOR SELL~~~~~BUSI2601, BUSI3103, ECON2002

    BUSI 2601 : The Law and Business Aministration in Canada, Tenth Edition, Smyth, Soberman & Easson , (with Study Guide, midterm and notes) $80 ECON2002&2102, Fifth edition, including studyguide and and midterm ask for $35 BUSI 3103 organizaitonal theory $75, Build to last $15
  10. 0


    Hi I have BUSI3103, price $80. if interested, call 7333481. leave a message during day time
  11. 0

    [寻找] BUSI3300,BUSI2601,BUSI3703

    BUSI2601 I have the BUSI2601 textbook and study guide, also the notes and midterm, $80. call me at 7333481 (leave a message if you call during the day time, I'll call you back)
  12. 0

    ★■卖书送资料再送试卷 !!BUSI1002@2101@2504@2400@4107@4705以及ECON4706/7@2002等 updated[JAN3,2005

    Is the book for BUSI2601 new edition? Can you tell the phone number? I'm interested in that book. Thanks
  13. 0


    Is the BUSI2601 new edition? Do you also have the study guide and midterm exam? Thanks
  14. 0

    ★■卖书送资料再送试卷 !!BUSI1002@2101@2504@2400@4107@4705以及ECON4706/7@2002等 updated[JAN3,2005

    Hi, is the BUSI2601 new edition? (10th) Can you tell your phone no.?
  15. 0

    *****One bedroom apartment, 600/month 好房转租********

    *****One bedroom apartment, 600/month 好房转租******** One bedroom apartment sublet: 一室一厅,大阳台,宽敞,明亮,僻静,阳光充裕。 时间:5月至8月底 地点:1343-Meadowlands. 10分钟到达CU, 去OU也很方便。楼下有公交车,可乘86,111和117去CU及OU. 购物,饮食方便,楼下有shoppoing mall. 600/month费用全包,包括水电,停车位,室内游泳池。 可提供所有家具,包括微波炉,大书桌,餐桌,转椅,餐椅,床,灯,各种餐具,等等。有电话线...