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    look for safety 1st baby gate

    we are looking for baby gate which looks like the one in the pic, if you are willing to sale yours as in the pic, pls contact us by sending QQh. ths a lot
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    looking for baby gate

    we are looking for baby gate which looks like the one in the pic, you can contact us by sending us QQ, ths a lot!
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    they are so pretty I want to buy some of those cute clothes, but i have a boy,hey.
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    DVD for sale

    1312 hi, I am looking for some kid's book in chinese, i am interested buying some from you, do you still have the books for sale, how to contact you.pls write to me at szgraceful@yahoo.com.cn, ths!
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    INTERESTED TO BUY 我有一个刚1个月大的宝宝,对你的信息很敢兴趣,例如:GYM&PLAYMAT,JUMPER,CARRY BELT,想问一下价钱和你住在那里。你可以发EMAIL TO "DMYCL@HOTMAIL。COM"OR PHONE:613-3661689
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    looing for the infant swing

    we are looking for the infant swing to help my new baby falling asleep,as long as it is clean and function well, also ask for reasonable price, we are serious buyer, pls send us msg at dmycl@hotmail.com
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    1312 Did you sell everything, i am very interest to buy some of your stuff, please contact me at dmycl@hotmail.com. I will get back to you once i get you msg.
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    我们是刚做父母,对加拿大的各项福利还不是特别熟悉。身边的朋友一人说一点,弄得我们有点糊涂,牛奶金(CHILD BENIFIT)我们已经申请了,可是听有的朋友讲,好象当今的总理上台后,新增了一项个小孩子的福利,无论家庭收入高低都可以收到每月$100/KID,直到孩子6岁。不知道是不是真的,要如何申请呢?
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    --->未开封TIDE 洗衣粉(1.9KG,40 LOADS)$5,原价:12.99 --->未开封SUNLIGHT洗衣液(5.07KG,110 LOADS)$12,原价:18.99 (因家里更换新的SAMSUNG洗衣机,需要用HE 的洗衣液,特低价出售)。 --->干衣机低价$50出售,大约5年新,机身无锈迹,大容量,运行良好,内外干净。不包送,诚意购买者,价可议。 --->一箱餐具,包括碗,盘,碟等,$0.5/EACH PIC出售,干净,九成新,本人自用约1年,购自IKEA。 --->真皮餐椅2个,也可用作电脑椅,带轮,非常舒适轻便,$10/EACH OR $16 FOR...
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    卖IKEA DOUBLE SIZE 实木床架和床垫($120) 九成新,无污渍,暂无图片,有意者可来电查问详情,不包送,诚意购买者价钱可议。 图片稍后附上 Phone:613-366 1689无人接听请留言
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    hurry!we are looking for a serious person to join our team

    we are hiring FT/PT worker to work at sushi place, it is located at Merivale at Meadowland,we have flexible hours available , also no experience nesscecery and training available.if anyone is interesting in the job, pls contact us asap at 613-2253388 or leave your phone number. ask for manager...
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    look for kitchen helper

    We are looking for kitchen helper right away, no experience neccessery, it is day and night shift, about 30-35 hours a week.training available . please contact 613-225 3388, ask lucie for interview or job details.
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    刚修整了家里的后院,现想开辟一块地方种些蔬菜,求租卡车或拖车DUMP一些杂土废物。大约2-3小时时间,无需帮手单租车。价格可 议,有意者请电613-3661689 LUCY(家里没人请留言,收到即复)。
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    寿司店请帮厨和寿司工,一周25至30小时(evening and weekend shifts only)。有无经验者均可,无工卡者勿扰。有意者请联络613-3661689(无人接听请留言)。
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    Job offer

    www.comefromchina.com we are looking for part time or full time worker to work at sushi place,prefer girl and basic english communication skill. Full time:Mon to Friday (9am - 5pm) location at downtown Parttime :Mon,Tues,Thur and Friday, evening only (5pm - 9pm) location at Merivale Road...