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    moving sale

    desk+ moving guizi 20 cdn or give a price ice skate 30 cdn or give a price around 8-8.5 or give a price snow tire + rim 65/r15 for honda civic 80 cdn or give a price microwave 30 cdn or give a price You can reach me at 613 7210948 or leave a...
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    sell Tv

    20 inches Tv, only 30 CD$ call me at 6137210948
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    moving sale: TV, desk, chair, skate

    1. 20inches TV 75 $ 2. panasonic 20 TV with built-in video recorder, Just like new, 180$ 3. ice skate size: 8ee 98$ bought at 180$ 4. computer desk and its cabinet, moving cabinet: togather the price is 125cdn. 5.snow tire with rim: original price around 500, four of them,good condition...
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    moving sale

    1. 20inches TV 75 $ 2. panasonic 20 TV with video recorder 180$ Just like new 3. ice skate size: 8ee 80 $ 4. computer desk and its cabinet, moving cabinet: 125$ 3 in 1 5.snow tire with rim: four of them,good condition: 180$ The snow tire model: P185/65R15 originall for...
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    Sell second hand ski_board

    Hi, sell the used ski_board, suitable for people as high as 1.70m. Price offered is only at 50 dollars. cheers up
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    征女友 征女友

    征女友 男,35岁,未婚,国内重点大学硕士毕业,nothing to be achieved,故此耽搁了几年终生大事.为追求美好的生活, 更为相识有缘的你移居枫叶之国.本人身才like a bear,体形like a pig, 性格like a tiger,hard to understand others but 重感情,重家庭. 诚征: 大学毕业,有正职或有事业,年龄相当,重感情,爱家庭 ,有高度责任感的女士为友.无意勿扰.
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    征女友 征女友 男,35岁,未婚,国内重点大学硕士毕业,nothing to be achieved,故此耽搁了几年终生大事.为追求美好的生活, 更为相识有缘的你移居枫叶之国.本人身才like a bear,体形like a pig, 性格like a tiger,hard to understand others but 重感情,重家庭. 诚征: 大学毕业,有正职或有事业,年龄相当,重感情,爱家庭 ,有高度责任感的女士为友.无意勿扰.
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    hi, guys

    hi, guys I doubt whether you guys really come from Harbin Institue of Technology. The only univerisity which can compete with HIT is MIT.
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    any comments on brcd?

    thank you very much
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    any idea about beas?

    beas broke out up recently. almost reach its 52 weeks'high. What do you think of its future trend? Technically it is up trend.
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    your analysis is right

    rfmd's break up depends on if this market will go up very shortly
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    How to expect a better life in Canada?

    Hi, Guys, any ideas? How to make yourself confident? How to make yourself feel successful?