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    宰客十倍以上 加拿大广播公司揭修车行黑幕

    see link
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    加拿大拖车服务 CAA与其他拖车公司比较

    星星生活 2013-05-04 09:36:42 [0条评论,查看/发表评论] 起拖车保险,大家肯定首先想到的是CAA,那究竟什么是CAA? CAA (Canada Automobile Association)是加拿大最大的汽车协会。服务范围非常广泛, 主要包括路边紧急服务,旅游,保险,消费折扣等。加入CAA,交纳相当于一次普通路面紧急救援的费用,就可全年享受CAA的各类优惠服务。 超级生活小建议:凡是开旧车即二手车的人士,为减少因汽车故障抛锚路边而措手不及,最好加入CAA的会员制,得到其特别服务。 CAA提供的服务主要有哪些? CAA的路边紧急服务包括:电池充电...
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    Help: 在东区Canotek Rd 考G的路线图

    我在东区 Canotek Rd (Montreal & 417)定了路考,考G牌。请问有谁在此考过G牌,可否提供考试的路线?谢谢!:p
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    Help: Visit Canada from US with Chinese passport and US green card.

    我有一朋友想访问加拿大。他持有中国护照, 有美国绿卡。 他乘飞机从美国来加拿大。请问: 他是否要在美国办理来加拿大的签证? 谢谢!:p
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    Open House March 13 2-4PM, see Good House for 撒了

    Open House at 5804 Knights Drive, Manotick ON K4M 1K2 this Sunday, March 13 2-4PM House Info: 5804 Knights Drive Built in: 1990 living room: 33 x 13.5 ft Dining room: 12.6 x 11.9 Kitchen 16.2 x 13.5 Family room: 18.9 x 11.3 Solarium: 17.5 x 12.5 Master bedroom 33x 13.5 bedroom 2: 20.9 x 18.5...
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    Good House for sale :)
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    我父母到美国探亲, 然后想从美国申请到加拿大探亲。 请问探亲手续是如何办理的?大概需要多长时间?谢谢!
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    Which internet company is a best oe better Internet Sevice Provider (ISP)?

    Hi there, Please introduce your experience of using Internet service. Which company provides a good quality and reasonable price for internet service? Bell, Rogers, or others? Thanks
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    卖: 洗衣机 和 烘干机

    GE 洗衣机 和 烘干机 (15 year old but work well) Sale for $80 Pick up only
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    百叶窗, Vertical blinds (87" W x 84" L)

    Two vertical blinds (87" W x 84" L) for sale, $25 for each. Email to
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    2 Vertical 百叶窗 87 inch x 84 inch for sale

    Hi there, 2 Vertical 百叶窗 87 inch x 84 inch for sale, $40 for each. Please contact by email,
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    [分享] 第一次带爷爷吃麦当劳 !真正感动我们的只须一张图片!(转载)

    You are good girl. Thanks for your story. You are good girl.
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    Queen Size Mattress Set for Sale

    Queen Size Mattress Set for Sale, $40 Call 613-225-3872 or 613-520-2600 ext. 8478
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    Queen size Mattress Set for sale $40

    Queen size Mattress Set for sale $40
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    Moving sale

    Queen size 床垫 & Box Dining Table with 4 chairs (Sold) Sony 音响 立式电扇 IKEA Table 电话, etc. Please call (613)520-2600 ext. 8478, or (613)225-3872.