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    CU Finance: BUSI/ECON 2504 & 2505 (sold)

    CU BUSI/ECON 2504 & 2505, Fundamental of Corporate Finance, photocopied version, for $15. Interested call @867-9182.
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    Final Sale: Updated: Moving Sale

    7. Water filter (Brita) $10 8. Vertical blinds (190cm*210cm) $20 Leaving soon, everything must go, interested call @867-9182 or leave message, price is negotiable.
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    3-seater Sofa, dark blue corduroy, LAZ-Y-BOY style, 3-year-old, very comfortable and in excellent condition. $100 If interested, please call @867-9182, I can send you email about the picture.
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    12" floor fan, almost new & adjustable height, $10 Interested please call @(613)867-9182
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    3-seat sofa, mint condition & comfortable, 150$ Contact (613)867-9182
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    3-seat sofa for sale

    3-seat sofa for sale, mint condition, comfortable, asking for $150. Pictures are too big to fit in this ad, I can email the pictures on request. contact at (613)867-9182
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    3-seat sofa for sale

    3-seat sofa for sale, mint condition, comfortable, asking for $150. contact at (613)867-9182
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    CU Economics Textbooks for Sale

    ECON 2201/2202 3rd Edition Shannon, Droebner, Fry, Smith $30 旧版和新版的内容基本一致, 区别在每章后的习题顺序有些改动。有兴趣请打电话:867-9182
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    19“ Sony Monitor for Sale - Sold

    19英寸 SONY 显示屏 420GS $90 有兴趣请打电话:(613)867-9182
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    19“ Sony Monitor for Sale

    19英寸 SONY 显示屏 420GS $90 有兴趣请打电话:(613)867-9182
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    CU Business Textbook for Sale

    BUSI 1002 Managerial Accounting Carrison, New 6th Edition Excellent condition, $70 Call @ 867-9182
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    CU Business Textbook for Sale

    BUSI 1002 Managerial Accounting Carrison, New 6th Edition Excellent condition, $70 Call @ 867-9182
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    CU Business Textbook for Sale

    BUSI 1002 Managerial Accounting Carrison, New 6th Edition Excellent condition, $80 Call @ 867-9182, please leave message, and I will call you back.
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    CU Business Textbook for Sale

    BUSI 1002 Managerial Accounting Carrison, New 6th Edition Excellent condition, $80 Call 867-9182.
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    CU Economics Textbooks for Sale

    ECECON 2201/2202 A Course in Business Statistics with CD and Student Solutions Manual 3rd Edition $50 All textbooks are in good condition. Please call me at (613)255-6291