summer breeze的最近内容

  1. summer breeze


    to CRASH. An upset. Crash is certainly "humbled".Just read all the critics, it's obviously unfair. BrokeBack lost because it has a gay theme. that's ridiculous. I still dont' understand why gay topic is such a big deal. let aside the movie made it very conservative. why those ppl got so...
  2. summer breeze

    Girls~~谁知道渥太华哪里有长发拉直离子烫,和长发hair dressing的

    I hope I don't have to drive all the way down to Toronto to find a good one. Any girl has any experience here? :) thank you
  3. summer breeze

    Best Deal $3,000 for Mazda 323 Hatchback automatic yr94 <=120,000KM

    White color, care free/low maintenance car, excellent engine, 6 months new battery, low mileage, Never had accidents. 1.6c Great for beginners/easy to park. Cheap insurance. 50 dollars /month. Never bugged me with repair issues.I bought this car to practise, since I was a new driver. (now i...
  4. summer breeze

    求购: GMAT真题模拟光盘

    thank you!! qqh pls
  5. summer breeze

    Who is studying GMAT right now?

    give me ring... thank you :)
  6. summer breeze

    Dear All~~寻找 7月1日的1室一厅(1 bedroom) 公寓 Long term.

    near preston and carling, or even on prince of wales. Or nearby ^.^ QQH. Thanks so much.
  7. summer breeze

    right on ABC, right now, YaoMing is being aired

    Not a real basketball fan, but this is a must-see :)
  8. summer breeze

    留住男人之“十戒” [警告]

    120% truth, I swear
  9. summer breeze

    VCR adn MicroWave Needed

  10. summer breeze


    哪位姐妹想去Market 附近New Year Eve Party呢?门票有点贵,20 快,就在周五,明天晚上。就是跳舞,喝酒,可能不会有太多人感兴趣,不过,如果有,给我悄悄话把。
  11. summer breeze

    给25岁以上未婚女人的忠告 (ZT)

    does this apply to north America? culture wise
  12. summer breeze

    hope not only me is gonna see this movie :)

    zhang ziyi starred "House of flying daggers" will hit cinema at Dec 3, today? maybe not cities like Ottawa. I can't wait! and "Days of being wild"will be on only at NYC, Toronto and LA, one cinema a city!