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    提供顺风车: June 17 Ottawa - Toronto

    周日下午,渥太华到多伦多,多个位置 请电:1-613-433 3443 (长途)
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    [分享] =#= 神奇的图片!看到的人将会幸福! =#=(转载)

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    Caravan 2000 spare tire stuck

    I have a getting at the spare tire on my 2000 Caravan, I can lower the cable but the tire stays up against the mount. The whole T-Bar that slips through the center of the rim is stuck. Does anyone had or know this problem? Is there a solution?
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    When applying a job in US, normally you will be asked "Do you need company sponsorship to have autherization to work in the US?" Anybody knows the right answer? Please help. I know Canaddians can easily get a TN visa to work in US but not sure if that is sponsorship.
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    [请求] 软件可以杀死乱跳的广告窗口

    求教:那个软件可以杀死乱跳的广告窗口 我的机器现在常常弹出恶意的广告窗口,用那个软件可以制止他们的出现,烦死人啦!
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    [寻找] 有没有人知道金斯敦附近的沙滩的E名字?

    有没有人知道金斯敦附近的沙滩在那里 听说金斯敦附近有个沙滩很美,有没有人能告诉我他的英文名字。在哪里?周末想去哪里宿营
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    [请求] 有没有人知道金斯敦附近的沙滩在那里

    有没有人知道金斯敦附近的沙滩在那里 听说金斯敦附近有个沙滩很美,有没有人能告诉我他的英文名字。在哪里?周末想去哪里宿营。
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    我们的行程如下,想同行的请尽快和我们联系:QQH or email: 我们在7月25日以前,把行程及住宿定下来。 Day one: Ottawa - Gaspe Day Two: Gaspe - Bathurst - Bouctouche Day Three: Bouctouche - Moncton Day Four: Moncton - Prince Edward Island Day Five: Prince Edward Island - Peggys Cove Day Six...
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    终于可以放开手钓鱼啦。今天起来个早(8点)来到拉Cobden, 没想到比我早的early birds 真不少,清点拉一下足足有40多拖船的车,列队在岸边,船影早就看不见啦,渔民们的精神真让我佩服。 来到船台上又看到拉那个大大的绿毛龟(估计还是去年那只),听到动静一下就游到水底,跑掉啦。1个多小时过去,就钓到啦几个小小的Sun fish。那只老龟可能是很恋家,看我们在船台上不走,他也就大着胆子游拉回来,还勇敢的吃掉啦我们的Worm。 有只小鱼对小儿是情有都忠,放掉一次他又回来吧Worm...
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    Scotiabank 一年5.10% (Fixed)如何?大家最近拿到的是多少?哪一家?
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    remove windows xp

    I just installed windows xp 2002 sp1 in an older computer, but it cann't start now by any way include safe mode. The window xp disk can not be booted either. I want to completely remove windows xp and reinstall windows 98 and have no way to do it. Need your help please!
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    提供顺风车: 22(周一)Toronto - Ottawa

    如题,有3个位置。 22号,Toronto to Ottawa Phone: 1-613-401 1376