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    Free ride to 美国 5/12

    有人明早走吗? 大家帮忙顶一下 919-937-8470
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    2010 ford escape - $9999

    First Owner, well maintained, only 83500Km. new break last year No smoke, no pet including 17" winter tire and rim Ford Escape XLT has the options that make this a perfect mid sized SUV. with its: power seats, cruise control, AC, AM\FM stereo, CD player, SAT radio, AUX capability, power...
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    YAMAHA Piano for sale

    Bought around year 2000. Good shape. Asking $3999
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    free crab apples

    we have two big crab apple trees. It is harvest time now. they are very good to make crab apple jelly. QQH me if you want. Please bring your own boxes. We live kanata north.
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    纠结中, 美国工作机会

    我们定居渥太华已经十年多了。两人都是IT工,孩子还没上小学。最近我收到美国东部一工作OFFER.从工资看,比我现在工资多了10% (+ 10% bonus),但和当地同类职位比较,应该很不错 (higher than the highest from glassdoors)。另外美国新公司技术前景不错,但福利一般。当地的消费水平貌似比渥太华低一些。当地IT工作机会不少,感觉我家LD也会容易找到新工作。 但我目前对是去是留非常纠结: 目前在渥太华生活很稳定。搬家麻烦事很多。搬家后生活也不会有很大提高。对美国税务,医疗,福利制度不了解。...
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    万能的CFC, 请问新移民有中国驾照,考安省驾照需要什么手续? 在中国可以办理“国际家照”吗?“国际家照”对办理安省驾照有帮助吗?thanks.
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    请教West carleton high school信息

    这里有没有华人孩子在west carleton high school就读吗?我家小女生明年想转学到那里读11年级。我们想咨询一下那里的教学情况。请求热心人给予答复。请QQH.
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    US Black friday shopping - one night hotel stay deal

    I reserved hotel in North Conway NH tonight. But I cannot make it today. Half price if anyone want to take it. It is great place if you want to go shopping. There are lots of outlet malls around. And you can enjoy 0 tax in NH. QQH please. The original price is $90/room.
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    Thx. I got an idea. Thanks ccc.
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    请推荐搬家公司. With insurance if possible. Thanks a lot!
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    Looking for a moving company. Please recommend. Prefer company with full insurance. Thanks a lot!
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    能否有granite或quartz countertop 的团购?

    Can you please give a more specific date? Early spring meaning? If it is in Jan or Feb, we want to join. Thanks.
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    low voltage wiring
