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    416 7269364
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    Ride offer: Ottawa ==> Toronto,Aug 18 (Friday)4:00pm

    Ottawa ==> Toronto,Aug 18 (Friday)4:00pm Pickup at Bayshore Drop off at Scarborough Town Center / Fairview Mall $25 for one way If interested, please call (613)325-0164.
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    Carpool offer: Ottawa <-> Toronto July 28/31

    Carpool offer: Ottawa <-> Toronto July 28/31 Ottawa to Toronto: Friday (7/28) pick-up 4pm at Bayshore; drop-off Scarborough Town Center / Fairview Mall Toronto to Ottawa: Monday (7/31) pick-up 5pm at Fairview Mall / 5:30pm at Scarborough Town Center; drop off at Bayshore $25/45...
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    七月四日 Toronto => Ottawa 单程 $25, pick up at Fairview Mall @ 5pm / Scarborough Town Center @ 5:30pm. Drop at Bayshore Shopping Mall. If interested, please call (416)317-2214.
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    Friday(5月26日)下午从渥太华去多伦多(4:00pm) $25/单程 有兴趣者,call: (613)325-0164
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    carpool TORONTO --> OTTAWA 22 May.

    carpool TORONTO --> OTTAWA 21 May. leave TORONTO on May.22 (Monday) afternoon around 4:00pm. Pick up: Finch subway station/Fairview mall/Scarborough Town Center. Drop: Bayshore shopping center. pls call 416-317-2214. one way is $25.
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    [寻找] Ottawa -> Toronto Thursday 4pm

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    Offer: 顺风车 4月7日Ottawa-->Toronto

    Ottawa->Toronto: Fri. Apr. 7, leave Ottawa around 4:30 PM, pick up at Bayshore Shopping center, drop at Scareborough Town Center or Fairview Mall. $25 for one way. Call (613)325-0164 if interested.
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    [Ride offer] Ottawa <--> Toronto(Mar. 24/26 Friday/Suday)

    Leaving Ottawa on Friday, 4:30pm picking up at Bayshore Shopping Center (TD Bank); drop at Scareborough Town Center / Fairview Mall Leaving Toronto on Sunday, 5:00pm picking up at Fairview Mall / Scareborough Town Center; drop at Bayshore Shopping Center 25$ single trip, 40$ for round trip...
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    周日, Mar 12 Toronto -> Ottawa

    提供顺风车: 多伦多 ---〉渥太华, 3 月12号 (Sun.)下午 5:00 Fairview Mall/5:15 Scarborough Town Center 上车。 还有两个位子 416-317-2214
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    Offer carpool: Friday, Feb 24 Ottawa -> Toronto

    Carpool offer: Ottawa-Toronto Feb 24 Friday Bayshore - Don Mills Stations One way: $20 613-325-0164 or QQH
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    Feb 3 Ottawa - > Toronto $20

    friday: ottawa--> toronto 3:30pm pick up at Bayshore Shopping Center drop off at Scarborough Town Centre and Fairview mall Call: 613-325-0164 Email: QQH.
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    [问题] 请教高人...

    有了驾照号可以知道保险号吗? 出了事故后,对方保险公司打电话来,如何答复?
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    Car pool Offer: Toronto - Ottawa - Toronto

    Jan 26 1:30pm Leave from Bayshore shopping center Arrive: Fairview Mall/Downtown Jan 29 4pm Leave from Fairview Mall Arrive: Bayshore One way: $25 Round trip: $40 ($45 if arrive in Downtown) 613-325-0164 or or QQH
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    Carpool needed[寻找] Jan 10 morning

    Toronto -> Ottawa Bayshore QQH Thanks.