
  1. J

    heat+hydro cost

    For those of you who pay for heat, hot water and hydro for your condo or apartment, I would like to ask how much it costs per month for a bachelor or a one-bedroom apartment in Ottawa (in Winter and in Summer). Thank you very much.
  2. J


    aptitudes au leadership
  3. J


    It depends on your income too.
  4. J

    parc du beauchamp

  5. J


    I found it! I found it. You have to go to the Spanish page first! espanol --) curso --) ingles y frances The links to the information of the course (in English and French) is at the bottom of the page. (I can't believe I can read some Spanish!! I guess they are not that different...
  6. J


    en plein air Je suis en train de chercher des activités à faire en plein air. Est-ce qu'il y a des suggestions? Je me demande aussi s'il y a quelqu'un qui sait où on peut louer les kayaks / les canots. Merci.
  7. J


    Bonne idée!!
  8. J

    parc du beauchamp

    Has anyone rented canoes or pedal boats from there before? How much does it cost? Do I really need to have paid the $10 annual fee at a library first? Thanks.
  9. J


    free in Ontario Flu shots are free in Ontario. It is part of the Ontario's universal influenza immunization program. You don't have to be an Ontario resident to receive the shot. As long as you work or study in Ontario, you can get it free. Just go to a doctor's office or a public flu shot...
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    I think Lauzon (at Aylmer) offers english classes.
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    RAMQ advise people to take out private insurance to cover the cost of any health-care services they may require during their waiting period.
  12. J

    <咨询> 如果离开魁省超过半年,如何保留魁省的医疗卡?

    Quebec requires you to be in Quebec for at least 183 days per year. Ontario is similar, only that you have to be in Ontario for at least 153 instead of 183 days per year. Quebec RAMQ has something called prolonged absence. For example, students studying abroad, people working for the...
  13. J

    <咨询> 如果离开魁省超过半年,如何保留魁省的医疗卡?

    Yes, what Summer said is true.
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    translation Obtenir un mot de passe. (Get a password.) Le traitement a été effectué avec succès. (The processing have been executed successfully.) Cliquez sur l'onglet &laquo; Identification &raquo; pour poursuivre. (Click on the tab << Identification >> to continue.)
  15. J


    Yep, that's ok.