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    Rider Offer: Ottawa => Toronto, Sunday (July 5)

    Seat available for rider offer: Ottawa to Toronto on July 5 (Sunday) at 5:30PM. Pick up at Baishore Mall TD bank or other reasonalbe locations Drop off at Fairwell Mall subway station or other reasonable locations. Fee: $25, Please contact at 613-7616185/416-8180749
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    Rider Offer: Toronto <=> Ottawa (June 26 / July 5)

    Leave for Ottawa on June 26 (Friday) at 4:30 pm, pick up at Fairview Mall subway station. Drop off at Beishore TD Bank. Go back Toronto on July 5 (Sunday) at 5:30 PM, pick up at Beishore Mall TD bank. Drop off at Fairview Mall. Car type: SUV $50 round trip, $30 one-way Tel: (416) 818-0749
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    RideOffer: Toronto <->Ottawa Jun12/14

    Jun 12 Friday: Toronto -> Ottawa at 4:30PM Pickup: at Fairview mall, or other locations (perfer Highway 7 etc.) Drop off: Bayshore Shopping Mall Jun 14 Sunday: Ottawa -> Toronto at 5:30 pm $30/way, $50/roundtrip Car type: SUV Please contact me at 416-8180749
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    Need a rider for 3 people Toronto<=> Ottawa this weekend

    we need a rider for Toronto to Ottawa on June 5 (this Friday) at 5:00PM and come back Toronto on June 7 (Sunday) at 5:30PM or 6:00PM, if you have seats available, please give me a call at 416-8180749.
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    Car pool Offer on Jan 4, Ottawa -> Toronto

    Car Pool offere on Junuary 4, 2009 from Ottawa to Toronto: leave at 4:30 PM and pick up at Baishore Mall, T&D bank. Drop at Fairwell Mall or reasonable location Full wheel drive SUV (Subaru Forest) + Winter tire. $25 Please contact 613-7616185 or 416-8180749
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    Car pool Offer on Jan. 04, Ottawa -> Toronto

    Car Pool offere on Junuary 4, 2009 from Ottawa to Toronto: leave at 4:30 PM and pick up at Baishore Mall, T&D bank. Drop at Fairwell Mall or reasonable location Full wheel drive SUV + Winter tire. $25 Please contact 613-7616185 or 416-8180749
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    Car Pool Offer on Jan. 04: Ottawa to Toronto

    Car Pool offere on Junuary 4, 2009 from Ottawa to Toronto: Full wheel drive SUV + Winter tire. leave at 4:30 PM and pick up at Baishore Mall, T&D bank. Drop at Fairwell Mall or reasonable location $25 Please contact 613-7616185 or 416-8180749
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    Car Pool Offer (Toronto <==> Ottawa)

    Car Pool Offer (Toronto <==> Ottawa) Toronto pick up / drop off: First Markham Mall or Farewell Mall Subway station / Bailshore Mall or your home (TBD) Leaving for Ottawa at around 5:30 pm, Friday August 8th. Ottawa pick up / drop off: your home or Baishore Mall Leaving for Toronto at...
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    Car Pool Offer (Toronto <==> Ottawa)

    Toronto pick up and drop off: First Markham Mall or Farewell Mall Subway station. Leaving for Ottawa at around 5:30 pm, Friday August 8th. Ottawa pick up and drop off: your home or Baishore Mall Leaving Toronto at around 6:15AM Next Monday or 6:00 pm, Sunday August 10th. (TBD) If you are...
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    Car Pool Offer: ( Ottawa -> Tronto) on Sunday

    [初级会员] ID: 54192 声望: 0 声望力: 0 帖子: 26 家族: 来自: 金钱: 2,054 注册: 2005-07-25 Car Pool Offer (Ottawa to Tronto) on Sunday New SUV car to provide a Car Pool Offer from Ottawa to Toronto on Sunday (July 06) at around4:30 PM. Pick up at Bayshore Mall or reasonable place. Drop at Fareware Mall...
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    Car Pool Offer (Ottawa to Tronto) on Sunday

    Car Pool Offer from Ottawa to Toronto on Sunday (July 06) at around4:30 PM. Pick up at Bayshore Mall or reasonable place. Drop at Fareware Mall. $25. if you are interested, please call me at 613-7616185 / 416-8180749.
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    Ride Offer (Ottawa --> Toronto ) on Aug. 27

    Ride offer from Ottawa to Toronto at 4: 30 PM on Aug27th (Sunday). If interested pls call 613 7616185 / 613 8089534 $25.00 per round. Thanks
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    Ride Offer (Ottawa to Toronto) July 30

    July 30 (Sunday) 4:30pm Ottawa (Bayshore Mall) -> Toronto (Firview Mall) Phone: 613 7616185 / 416 8180749
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    Rider Offer (Toronto<>Ottawa) June 30 and Junly 3

    June 30, 6:00 pm from Toronto (Fairview Mall) --> Ottawa (Bayshore Shopping center) July 3 5:00 pm from Ottawa (Bayshore Shopping center) --> Toronto (Fairview Mall) Other convinience locations will be consideed for picking up / dropping off. one way 25/ round trip 45 613 7616185...
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    carpool offer on May 23, Ottawa to Toronto

    Carpool offer:23日(tuesday) 5月23日(周二),5:30p.m.渥太华->多伦多 (Ottawa to Toronto) 每人25元单程 contact 613-7616185 or 613-8089534