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    (内部共享)西人Lease Finance Company急寻Customer Service人员, 可提供公签!!

    西人Lease Finance Company,急寻: Customer Service 人员 可为 ACCOUNTING, FINANCE, MARKETING 等专业学生提供 公签 要求:三语流利(English, Cantonese, Mandarin) 形象要好,有Customer Serivice经验者优先 Salary: CAD 30,000 + COMISSION Working in Burlington Work hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 AM. - 6 PM 名额 有限!!!有兴趣,...
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    Sales wage plus commitions

    usa computer company in canada miss, toronto and markham all need tel sales person in office. excellent sales skill with customers and hard work wage is cad$30000/year +commitions. welcome int'l student. send your resume aaron0802@hotmail.com
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    免费西人讲座信息(热报名中――)))) 现由西人HR部门经理亲自演讲,内容包括 1. Presentaiton: build your english communication and visual presentation skills, improve your ability to speak in public and send your ideas. 2. Interview: learn how to effectivly sell employers on why they should hire you. The job interview...
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    免费西人讲座信息(热报名中――)))) 现由西人HR部门经理亲自演讲,内容包括 1. Presentaiton: build your english communication and visual presentation skills, improve your ability to speak in public and send your ideas. 2. Interview: learn how to effectivly sell employers on why they should hire you. The job interview...
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    高薪虚位以待 food company in canada they are looking for the following position: ---account manager food servie-ontarion in mississauga fulltime, wage is cad35000/year with exp. very good english. ---associate director organizational effectiveness human resources...
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    Sales and Marketing

    西人公司招聘数位 销售代表 和市场相关人员 留学生可以获得公签 SEND YOUR RESUME LZC0802@GMAIL.COM
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    Are you confidential with your presentation?

    For chinese students and immigrants, oral english is the hardest one. it's our dream to communicate with White people with native accent and fluently. here is a public lessons can help you to improve it. build your english communication and visual presentation skills improve your...
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    西人公司请ACCOUNTING专业的毕业生(内部消息) 现有几家西人公司,急需在这个月底找到相应的人才。如果是A/C专业的不要错过。 可以提供公签和COOP工作。COOP可留可走,并提供REFERENCE。 不会用QUICKBOOK等主流软件,可提供培训,由多年并相当丰富工作经验的西人公司主管提供培训 要求: 能用英文交流 对工作认真负责 虚心学习 准时上下班 有兴趣发RESUME AARON0802@hotmail.com
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    Sales and Marketing or COOP

    Are you looking for sales job? Do you wanna pratice your skills at Canadian Company? Do you wanna know what's your customers' thinks about you? Do you need help under the Most experience over 20 years Canadian mentors? Here is the oppertunity for you, practice your skills and build...
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    现有几家西人公司,急需在这个月底找到相应的人才。如果是A/C专业的不要错过。 可以提供公签和COOP工作。COOP可留可走,并提供REFERENCE。 不会用QUICKBOOK等主流软件,可提供培训,由多年并相当丰富工作经验的西人公司主管提供培训 要求: 能用英文交流 对工作认真负责 虚心学习 准时上下班 有兴趣发RESUME AARON0802@hotmail.com
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    Looking for winxp with sp2 for DELL pc

    anyone has winxp with sp2 for DELL pc C-D, plz give a copy tks very much