
  1. [问题] TBA是什么?

    真丢脸!!!:blowzy: :blowzy: :shale: 不过还是谢谢呢!:thanks: :thanks:
  2. [问题] TBA是什么?

    我在注册的时候, 发现所有的instructor都是TBA. 连ESL也都是. (也不知道TBA全称是什么)我还怀疑他/她是不是人勒??:confused: :confused:
  3. [问题] 急,关于注册CU课程!

    我也注册不上~~~ 快晕了.都不知道是怎么回事.明天去问学校!!!
  4. [问题] 问加东, 天宝的定票电话,谢谢

    刚打了广告栏内的天宝旅行社的电话,可是没人接. 烦请大家告知chinatown 几家旅行社的电话,以便定票. 谢谢!!:thanks: :thanks: :thanks:
  5. 第一年进 Commerce Finance 的请进来

    我也是first year of Commerce Finance, 大家都说很难注册, 是不是真的啊? 还有要具体选些什么课比较容易啊
  6. 九月份入学的同学联系一下吧!

    i am in first year commerce fiance.
  7. [问题] 关于CAEL~~

    Hi,everyone. it is my first time to do cael test, i am not sure about oral test. does it contain 5 tasks like task one, they gonna give me one minute to talk about one topic of two(1.plan in university and why; 2. english experience of academic purposes.) but i heard they've changed the form...