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    请问如果开车从美国回加拿大过海关时间很晚的话, 海关会关门吗?
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    请问有3至9岁的打了第二针H1N1 Flu Shot吗?

    请问有3至9岁的打了第二针H1N1 Flu Shot吗?
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    can we bring vege & fruit to us?

    can we bring vege & fruit, meat to US?
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    Weekday downtown parking?

    Where can I find the cheaper parking in downtown area during weekday, for a few hours?
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    请教带加币回国的方法 是带现金好还是支票安全?支票能在银行马上兑换吗? 谢谢!
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    slide for sale

    slide for sale slide for sale. asking $60. Kanata area. may be delivered. contact: (613)254-8772
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    slide for sale

    slide for sale slide for sale. asking $60. Kanata area. may be delivered. contact: (613)254-8772
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    slide for sale

    slide for sale. asking $60. Kanata area. may be delivered. contact: (613)254-8772
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    Help! we got a red light ticket in States

    Unfortunately we got a red light ticket in States. And that was a mistake. Even our daughter saw the yellow light when we passed there. It's too far away to go to the court there and it's not fair for us to pay for that $300. Any suggestion? Thanks a lot in advance!
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    hydro plan

    Should we sign up for the hydro fixed price plan: 8.99 for 5 years.
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    hydro plan

    Should we sign up for the hydro fixed price plan: 8.99 for 5 years?
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    info about priceline?

    Anyone used priceline for getting hotel before? When is the best time to bit? eg, for christmas? any trick? Thanks!
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    coleslaw? as I remember.
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    disney info

    We are going to Florida Disney in Christmas. Anyone could give some suggestions about renting car(should we rent one??), hotel, good places to visit...... Thanks in advance!