
  1. 春有百花秋有月

    please delete this message

    --Try calling some of the big law firms in Ottawa and ask to speak with their family lawyers. there is always some minutes' free consultation --Choose one you are most comfortable with. --Or calling lawyer referral service.........
  2. 春有百花秋有月

    Job Opening

    A Cafeteria in a busy office Building is looking for full time help. Working schedule: Monday to Friday, 6 hours per day. Salary negotiable.Please call for details and more info. 613- 729-0482 and ask for Lucy. Thanks ps: Female Perferred,experience is an advantage.Please call from 2:00 - 4:00...
  3. 春有百花秋有月


  4. 春有百花秋有月


    我想要那件毛衣粉色(优质版), S码, 请问多少钱?还有白色毛尼大衣照片40多少钱啊?
  5. 春有百花秋有月


  6. 春有百花秋有月

    提供周六(9月16日)Toronto==>Ottawa 周日(9月17日)Ottawa=>Toronto car pool

    提供周六(9月16日)Toronto==>Ottawa 周日(9月17日)Ottawa=>Toronto car pool 周六(10am-1pm)Time Negotiable toronto===> ottawa pick up @ : 1.Scarborough town center, 2.finch & warden, 3.fairview shopping center. drop off location: 1. Bayshore Mall 2.at your request 周日下午6:00pm-7;00 pm(time...
  7. 春有百花秋有月

    ##世界名牌集中营##名牌服装+牛仔裤+鞋子+包包,BAPE,JUICY...more and more
