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    本人因事回?几周,??狗人士?忙照?小狗.金毛?回犬,10?月,GIRL,60磅左右.活苡,友善,特?玩.有配趣 QQH ?生免?
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    美甲 睫毛增樘

    做水晶甲,凝您甲.水晶甲20刀.法式水晶甲30刀. UV凝您甲 30刀.法式UV甲35刀.??美甲?.只限SUNDAY.上樵服?. 意式睫毛20刀.日式睫毛30刀.有意办QQH
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    Thanks for answering my question.
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    [推荐] 肺植眍式,意大利式眼捷毛

    美甲?惠 中??生?惠?:UV GEL 30刀 水晶甲 25刀 法式指甲 指甲?花另加5刀 TEL:613-314-7805 Miss YU(??美甲?)
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    [公告] 光?Gel甲French Gel甲 ?生?惠? 30刀

    UV 光?Gel甲 French UV Gel甲:30刀 水晶甲25刀 擦指甲油5刀,指甲?花5刀.上樵服?,??指甲技戌?.星期天空殄??生服?.最好?人一起order,最低消偻30刀.call 613-314-7805 Miss YU (sunday only)本人星期一至六在美容店工作.
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    [推荐] 肺植眍式,意大利式眼捷毛

    Korean and Italian style eyelashes extention. Guaranteed natural and real looking! Your eyes will be shinny and more beautiful! Korean style special: $30 Italian style special: $25 Serve at wherever you live in Ottawa area Telephone: 613-314-7805 Miss Yu (Sunday only, please call ahead...
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    [推荐] 肺植眍式,意大利式眼捷毛

    Korean and Italian style eyelashes extention. Guaranteed natural and real looking! Your eyes will be shinny and more beautiful! Korean style special: $30 Italian style special: $25 Serve at wherever you live in Ottawa area Telephone: 613-314-7805 Miss Yu (Sunday only, please call...