
  1. UO sports complex 隔壁 one bedroom for rent Sept 1

    One bedroom apartment 45 Mann Ave. $425 a month including high speed internet and utilities You will have the bedroom and share kitchen, bathroom, and storage with an tw student. quiet is a must Please contact me at 2340515 for mike or ysl325@hotmail.com if interest :cool:
  2. up up

  3. [寻找]谁有屏风要卖~急

    庵要买屏风 最矮一米六 谢谢 请洽2340515 Michael ysl325@hotmail.com
  4. 选赏100两白银 for bookshelf

    诸位英雄好汉,咱家掌柜的差小的来悬购一只木书架 请有缘之人与小的麦可儿联络 2349757 ysl325@hotmail.com 善缘好运,有请了
  5. 急需!衣架杆子...褂衣架的东东,服装店用的那种

    i can be reached at 2349757 or ysl325@hotmail.com 请找 李仙深 ^^ :eek:
  6. 急需!!DOUBLE MATRESS--moving purchase

    i need it by 6/1 2349757 for Michael or ysl@hotmail.com or leave me your contact no. 找弹簧床, 不要futon 感恩:blowzy:
  7. Dreams, a piece insightful of reading[分享]

    >>********************************************* >>Dreams >>====== >> >> >> The first day of school our professor introduced himself and >>challenged >> us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to >>look >>around >> when a gentle hand touched my shoulder...
  8. Dreams, good to read, insightul[分享]

    ***************************************** >>Dreams >>====== >> >> >> The first day of school our professor introduced himself and >>challenged >> us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to >>look >>around >> when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. >>...
  9. 求购!! Double Size Mattress (硬一点的)

    please contact michael at 2349757 or ysl325@yahoo.com.tw I am a serious buyer. I am looking for a real mattress, the one with springs inside, not a futon. Thanks
  10. 急!请有van或truck的朋友帮忙搬一张沙发,10分钟路程

    我急需要搬一张三人座的沙发从1800 BANK st. to UO 附近 我愿意出10元的油钱 希望能有朋友可以帮帮我 I can be reached at 2349757 or mlee065@uottawa.ca Thanks Michael
  11. 搬好了

  12. 有van或有truck的朋友, 请帮帮忙

    我急需要搬一张三人座的沙发从1800 BANK st. to UO 附近 我愿意出10元的油钱 希望能有朋友可以帮帮我 I can be reached at 2349757 or mlee065@uottawa.ca Thanks Michael
  13. 统一台湾对中国人有什么好处?

    反之台湾独立对中国人又有什么坏处? 各过个的, 我看蛮好的,新加坡也是大都是来自中国的早其移民,也是同文同种 也没人会想要叫新加坡的华人与中国统一。 我能想到的只有军事战略位置的好处, 但现在中国本身加入世贸有面对不完的问题和挑战,大量失业,像黑洞一样深的全国银行坏账, 过度消费性经济的投资,极小比例的domestic self value-generated economy and relative weak competitiveness of domestic enterprises comparing to the global giant whom are...