
  1. gamer

    A year in tibet

    Episode 1 Episode 2 Most unbiased documentary on TIBET
  2. gamer

    $100 Gap giftcard

    Selling it for 90. Please use pm
  3. gamer

    bran new nintendo ds

    Brand new NDS for sale for 150. Please msg me if you are interested.
  4. gamer

    [问题] 想知道ottawa哪里有outlet?

    kanata centrum
  5. gamer

    加拿大华人篮球锦标赛 questions

    Is it 500 dollars to join???? Thats a lot for a 3 days tournament...
  6. gamer

    2002 Two-Storey Single House for Sale

    A lovely 2002 Two-Storey House of 1684 Square feet for sale at $239 900 only.The house is on a quiet but convenient crescent with local traffic only, and close to Ottawa River, which flows year around at nearby rapids. Photos, location map and some details are available at...
  7. gamer

    2002 Single House for sale

    A lovely 2002 two-storey single house of 1684 square feet for sale at $239 900 only. The house is on a quiet crescent with local traffic only, and close to Ottawa river. Photos, location on map and other details are available at I am ready to answer your...
  8. gamer

    [问题] 渥太华哪里有卖模型手办的?

    The Comic Book Shoppe has like nothing in their store... No anime resin kits.
  9. gamer

    [请求] 胃药

    请家有胃药的联系我, (613)2549352 找刘女士
  10. gamer

    [问题] 美国购物

    can u provide with more info??
  11. gamer


    they had this deal for almost a year
  12. gamer


    我儿子现在的高中不是很好, 一般怎样才可以去非指定的高中。是不是直接去找校长?一般可以说一些什么excuse? 我准备对校长说的是 1。 我住的小区已经有很多人去你的学校了 2。 他成绩也不差 90% average grade 10. 3。 体育也很好,可以参加校队 4。 你们学校有很多很好的课程。 现在问题好像是他们学校已经overcapacity 了
  13. gamer

    [寻找]cheap pci video card

    i need a pci video card as cheap as possible.
  14. gamer

    anyone played cs source yet?

    its graphic is much more supreiror, people should try it. download at from
  15. gamer

    a way to prove hackers

    impossible, winrar wont make it into 3 mb if the original file is 30mb