
  1. anyi

    想申请一张可以积里程的信用卡,不只那个好,费用低些, 有经验的前辈请指教一下,谢了.[请求]

    想申请一张可以积里程的信用卡,不只那个好,费用低些, 有经验的前辈请指教一下,谢了.
  2. anyi

    求购电熨斗和熨衣板, QQH

    求购电熨斗和熨衣板, QQH
  3. anyi

    summer sale: study tables, small TV, bike etc.

    table, $15 13'TV, $35 drawer unit $8 bike, $60 compact radio,CDplayer &clock, $15 pictures link here: contact 231-3038
  4. anyi

    请教一下, 外接硬盘哪个牌子的好一些, 160G的 大概要多少钱? 谢了.

    请教一下, 外接硬盘哪个牌子的好一些, 160G的 大概要多少钱? 谢了.
  5. anyi

    [请求] 有那位前辈能告诉我Carleton University 周末有免费的parking lot 吗? 地点? 多谢!

    有那位前辈能告诉我Carleton University 周末有免费的parking lot 吗? 地点? 多谢!
  6. anyi

    [请求] 有那位前辈能告诉我Carlton 周末有免费的parking lot 吗? 地点? 多谢!

    有那位前辈能告诉我Carlton 周末有免费的parking lot 吗? 地点? 多谢!
  7. anyi

    offer April 26, from Ottawa to Montreal

    Leave Ottawa to Montreal on 26th noon and back to Ottawa around 5:30pm on the same day. $10 for each way. send QQH, or call 231-3038 between 11:00am to 12pm. thanks.
  8. anyi


    我也有同样的问题, 想玩4-5 天, 希望有前辈能介绍一下经验及具体的景点.多谢.
  9. anyi

    寻找OU- ADM 3346

    I'm looking for ADM 3346 textbook, 3rd edition. please call 613-231-3038 or QQH
  10. anyi

    OU textbooks: Adm 2341, Adm 2303&2304

    Adm 2341 6th edition Adm 2303&2304 5th edition 613-231-3038 or QQH
  11. anyi


    looking for one room near OU ,starting from March 1. please contact thanks.
  12. anyi

    寻找 & 卖 OU Textbooks

    买: ADM 2337 Human Resource (Third Edition) ADM 2341 Managerial accounting (Sixth Edition) ADM 2350 Coorparate Finance 2350 (Fourth Edition) 卖: ADM 2340 Financial Accounting with study guide (Hoskin & Fizzel) $60 ECO 1102 Macroeconomics (no study guide) (fifth edition) $40 MATH 1302...
  13. anyi

    books for sale(OU)

    Eco 1104 5th edition, $40; Eco 1102 5th edition, $45; Math 1320&1323 (Caculus 2nd edition HUGHES_HALLETT, GLEASON,ETAL.) $40 ADM1301 $10; ADM2336 5th edition(Steven L.Mcshane) $50 231-3038 or QQH
  14. anyi


    Ethernet (PC) card for laptop, very new, the brand is D_Link