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    Just 450$ for 95 Dodge Neon

    A lot of parts replaced including winter tires. Still running well, and we are driving everyday now. Please see the picture. Contact: James daytime: 613-7682911, evening: 613-2708608.
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    Green 95 Doge Neon Mileage: 220,000 km Automatic, 4 door, 2.0, 4 cyl, Two new winter tire. New generator, Recently new hood and new painting cost me 1000$ already, AM-FM and CD Stereo. Non-smoke, Well maintenance, Very good condition, Price: $1088 CAN Contact: James...
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    Green 95 Doge Neon Mileage: 220,000 km Automatic, 4 door, 2.0, 4 cyl, Two new winter tire. New generator, Recently new hood and new painting cost me 1000$ already, AM-FM and CD Stereo. Non-smoke, Well maintenance, Very good condition, Price: $1088 CAN Contact: James...
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    Car for sale: 1995 Doge Neon---look new!!!

    Car for sale: 1995 Doge Neon---look new!!! Comment: 4 dr, auto, very clean, highway drive, new brake, new painting, new tires, new electricity generator, certified emissions. Asking $3198. 200,000 km. (613)270-8608 James, Kanata. (CFYJHT)